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词汇 document
1.n. 公文,证(文)件,单据(证),凭证,记录,资料,证券(书),诉讼案卷,文据(献),(证据法中的)书证2.v. 提供文件(或证书),用文件(或证书)证明,为船舶提供船证后附装运单据于汇票See: ancient~; foreign~; hot~; negotiable~of title; nonnegotiable~of title; public~
Q.~acceptance bill 认付时交还抵押单的押汇票
~bill 押汇汇票,跟单票据
~clean credit 光单信用证
~collection 跟单托收
~control 文件管制
~credit 跟单信用证
~draft 押汇汇票
~examination 文据审查
~flow chart 文件流程图,凭证流程图
~issuing agency 发文机关
~reader 文件阅读器
~retrieval 文件检索
~tax 单据税
~title 所有权凭证
P.~against acceptance承兑交单,承兑押汇,汇票承兑凭付提单
~against acceptance bill(D
A bill)承兑交单汇票
~against discretion of collecting bank 按收款银行的决定交单
~against payment(D
~against payment after date(D
P after date) 出票远期付款交单
~against payment after sight(D
P after sight)远期付款交单(指托收汇票所附单据,持票人向银行指明于对方见票并签署后交付单据)
~against payment at sight(D
P sight)即期付款交单,见票付款交单
~against payment bill(D
P bill)付款交单汇票
~against payment sight 即期付费交单
~for acceptance(D
~for claim 索赔证件
~for service 送达文件
~of agreement 协议文据,协定文件
~of annuity 年金证书
~of approval 批准文件
~of carriage 运输单据
~of clearance 结关文件
~of contract 订约书,合同文件
~of control 统驭单证
~of conveyance(土地)转让契据
~of international law 国际法文件
~of juristic act 法律行为文据
~of obligation 债权证书,债据
~of recorded sound 录音资料
~of resolution 决议文件
~of search 搜查证
~of settlement 结算单据
~of shipping 装货单据,运输单据
~of the case 诉讼卷宗
~of title 所有权文据,物权凭证
~of title to goods 货物产权凭证
~of transmission 遗嘱管理授权证书
~of value 价值证明书,有价证券
~on payment 凭单据付款
~to bearer 持票人证券,不记名证券
~to land 土地权证,土地文据
~to order 指示式证券
~under the sign manual〔加〕(女王)签字而不盖章文件 V. to~a text 为正文提供文件(或旁证)
O.~attached 附单据,附有凭证,凭证附后,附上文件
~evidencing the contract 证明合同的文件
~executed 已执行文件
~not conforming to the provisions of theletter of credit 单证不符(指与跟单信用证所列条款不符)
~payable in cash 应付现金凭证
~payable through native bank's clearing 应由本地银行清算的凭证
discovery and exhibition of~文书的显示和提交




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