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词汇 account
n.原因,理由,叙述,详细报告,账目(户),重要性,价值,考虑,利润(益),对拒绝提供账目的信托人提起的诉讼 See: accumulated-adjustments~; adjunct~; assigned~; bank~; blocked~; book~; capital~; charge~; closed~; community~; contra~; custodial~;deposit~; escrow~; frozen~; impound~; intermediate~; joint~; lien~; long~; margin~; multiple-party~; mutual~; negotiable-order-of-withdrawal~; nominal~; NOW account~; offset~; open~; pledged~; profit-and-loss~; real~; reserve~; revolving charge~; running~; sequestered~; share-draft~
Q.~balance 账户结余(平),账面余额,两讫,清讫
~bill 账单
~book 账册(本)
~card 应收款专用账
~code 账簿代号
~code list 编号账户一览表
~credit 账户借方
~current (a
c) 往来账户,业务月报表,会计月报
~customer 顾客账户,立有账户的客户
~day 结算日
~day's loan 结账日放款
~debtor 债务人
~department 会计处(室、部)
~division 账务司(部门)
~executive(证券或期货交易所的)客户执行人,场内经纪人Com. floor trader
~form 账式,账户格式
~heading 账户名称
~holder 顾客账户,账户持有人
~items 账目,账项
~ledger 账簿
~manual 会计手册
~note 账单
~officer 会计主管
~party 账户主
~payee 转受款人账户,收款人账户
~point 存款账户地点
~purchase 赊买
~revenue 应收账款
~sales 赊销,承销账(清单)
~section 会计科
~structure 账户组织
~-stated contract账目结算合同(指将多笔交易一起清算之合同)
~system 会计制度(系统)
~transfer check 转账支票
~transfer voucher 转账传票
~turnover 周转账户
~valuation 估价账目
~year 会计(账户)年度
~verification 会计(账目)鉴定
P.~for the year 年度结算
~in arrears 余额结算,拖欠账户
~in balance 结平的账户
~in bankruptcy 破产账户(款)
~in transit 未达账,在途账
~in trust 信托账户
~of advance 预付账户
~of assets 资产账户
~of business 损益表,收支计算书
~of disbursement 支出账户(科目),支出账
~of exchequer 国库账
~of executors 遗产清册
~of finance 财务账(科目)
~of operation 业务利润表
~of payment 支出(付款)账户,支出表
~of proceedings 会计报告程序,遗产会计报告
~of receipts 收入账(表)
~of return 报酬的说明
~of revenue 收入表
~of the exchequer 国(金)库账,资金账
~of treasury 国(金、公)库账
~on the spot 现场报告
~with persons 对人账户
O.~and secretary账房
~balanced 结平的账户
~closed 已结的账户
~debited 已借入的账
~due 应收到期账款
~enroute 未达账
~marked 已标记的账户
~not in order 账目不清
~payee only 只付给受款人本人
~posted 已过的账
~rendered 结欠清单,借贷细账
~settled 已决算账单,清讫
~sold 销售账
~stated 细账,认可账目,欠账确认陈述
above line~(国家预算)平衡项目
~ is to be taken 将账目连同证明提交法院




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