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1. n.主体,目标,对象,臣民2. a.受制于,服从的,从属的,易受的,依照的,听候的See: natural-born~
~classification 主题分类
~country 属国
P.~of a concession减让对象
~of a duty 义务主体
~of a right权利主体(指权利所有人或),受权人(接受权利者),权利主体事项(等同object of a right)
~of civil legal relationship 民事法律关系主体
~of claim要求赔偿的主张
~of crime 犯罪主体
~of dispute 诉争标的,争议主体事项
~of international law 国际法主体
~of labor劳动对象
~s of law 法律主体
~of law in the contract responsibility system 承包制法律主体
~of obligation 债的主体
~of punishment 刑罚主体
~of taxation课税主体
~of the right 权利主体
~to 受限于,有待查实,以为条件
~to additionalcharges须付附加费
~to adjustment as described below须按下述予以调整
~to approval以批准为条件,须经批准,以确认为难
~to approval of export license不准出口时得取消合约,出口证待领
~to approval of no risk以被保险人确认无险为准
~to average〔保〕平均分担损失,平均摊算
~to being unsold在未出售前有效(报价中条款)
~to buyer's inspection or approval以买方认可为准
~to call有赎回权,可催缴,待缴
~to change without notice如有变更,不另通知
~to changes at a later date by mutual agreement以日后双方同意变更为准
~to confirmation有待确认,经确认有效
~to contract 以签订合同(契约)为条件,以合同为准
~to cross-examination 受讯问,受诘问
~to customs duty须付关税
~to damage 易受损伤
~to declaration须经声明(通知)才有效
~to discipline 受纪律约束
~to duty应完税,须征税
~to entry in the land register 载入土地登记簿的事项
~to financing clause 融资条件条款
~to immediate acceptance by telegram立即电复接受有效
~to immediate reply立即回复接受有效
~to import license以进口许可证为准
~to license being granted以领到许可证为条件
~to market fluctuation可按市场波动增减
~to mate's receipt以大副收据为准
~to open(权益)可增减变化
~to our final confirmation以我方最后确认为准
~to particular average以保单独海损为条件
~to prior approval须经预先核准
~to prior sales 以未出售为有效
~to ratification须经批准
~to redemption从后赎还股票
~to restrictions受限制款项
~to safe arrival of goods at port of shipment 货物安全抵达出口地点时有效
~to safeguard受保障措施的管制
~to sales(财产在出售前)有权收回的出售,以买方接受报价为准
~to shipping space available以取得船位为准
~to stem以协议装货日期为准
~to tax(taxation)负纳税义务
~to the constraints受下列条件限制
~to the law 依照法律,受法律管辖,服从法律
~to the mortgage从属(于该项)抵押贷款
O.~and object 主体与客体
~s reserved to legislative competence 属于立法机关所保留立法权限项目




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