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词汇 statement
n.声明(书),主张,(事实)陈述,(警方对疑犯招供所作的)供述记录 Com. admission,〔英〕案情陈述(或说明)书(沙律师在诉讼初期根据当事人对案情的陈述所作的整理报告,可包括当事人的意见、传闻及其他未经严格调查之情况,其副本有时须经当事人签字认可,cf. proof of evidence),(财务)报表,对账单,报告书,清单,明细表See: account~; consonant~; false~; financial~; incriminating~; prior consistent~; sworn~; voluntary~
Q.~accounting for variation in gross profit销货毛利变动计算表
~accounting for variation in net income净收益变动计算表
~anteo mortem 遗言
~application of funds资金动用表
~form creditors应付账款结单
~presentation and disclosure报表的编制和公布
P.~for credit purpose信用报表
~in answer to the charge〔英〕答辩控罪陈述书(亦称控罪答辩书,指犯人在警察通知他被控的罪行后,并经过警官按规定对其进行指导和警告的手续后,他对那控罪所发表的意见,经记录,并由警方人员和犯人签名,有法律效力)
~in lieu of prospectus招股说明书
~in the instrument票据或证券上的记载事项
~of financial operations金融业务情况表
~of absorption of deficit亏损处理计算书
~of acceptance(on a cheque)支票上的承兑申明
~of account 银行对账单(指银行定期向客户发放的有关账户情况的报告,也称为bank~),结账单,收支报告书(指债权人定期给客户的有关账目情况的说明,也称为 account~)
~of accumulated net income累计净收益计算书
~of actual and estimated expenditures实际和预计支出对照表
~of actual and estimated revenue实际和预计收入对照表
~of affairs 债务清册(清单)(指破产债务人所提供的有关财务状况、破产情况、和账目以及债务情况的文件,也称为~of financial affairs),(破产时的)资产负债结算表,清算资产负债表
~of affairs in fiduciary accounting信托会计的财产状况说明书
~of appropriation of net income净收益分配表
~of assets资产目录
~of assets and liabilities 资产负债表
~of auction拍卖清单
~of Auditing Procedure?《审计程序汇编》
~of Auditing Standards《审计准则汇编》
~of balance余额清算
~of balance of payments国际收支表
~of basic accounting theory会计基础理论报告
~of being guilty 作有罪陈述
~of being not guilty 作无罪陈述
~of budgeted cost of goods manufactured 制成品预算成本表
~of business operations公司业务经营表(即收益表)
~of capital stock资本报告书
~of capital surplus资本公积(积余)计算书
~of case 案情陈述,案情报告
~of cash现金收付表
~of cash flow现金流量表
~of cash in treasure库存现金表
~of cash in vault库存表
~of cash receipts and disbursements现金收支表
~of cash receipts disbursements and balance现金收支及结存表
~of changes in financial position(fund statement)资金变动情况表,财务状况变动表
~of changes in resources available for commitment可供承付的资金变动表
~of changes in retained earnings留存收益变动表
~of changes in stockholders' equity(accounts)股东权益变动表
~of changes in surplus盈余变动表
~of changes in working capital运用资本变动表
~of charges 起诉书
~of claim 索赔清单,〔英〕(民事案件)起诉书(指原告向法院申诉请求他应得补偿及其理由的陈述书)Com. pleading,诉讼的陈述,原告的诉讼标的,要求赔偿损失申诉书
~of claim in arbitration proceedings仲裁程序中提出的索赔申请
~of condition财务状况表(也称为 balance sheet)
~of confession赞同判决(书)(指同意在某种情况发生时进行某种判决,如判决支付债务等),依据赞同判决书所作的归还债务判决(也称为 confession of judgement, confessed judgement, cognovit judgement)
~of cost and production成本及生产报告
~of cost of goods manufactured and sold产品制造及销售成本表
~of cost of goods manufactured制成品成本表
~of cost of production生产成本表
~of cost to manufacture and cost(of goods)sold制造及销售成本表
~of current accounts往来账明细表
~of current and retained earnings本期收益及留存收益表
~of current position本期财务状况表
~of daily cash现金日记表
~of debit account负债一览表
~of defense 被告的抗辩,〔英〕被告之答辩(指对~of claim的答辩)
~of defense(in arbitration proceedings)(仲裁过程中)被申请人的抗辩
~of development credits approved批准的发展信贷报表
~of dishonor 票据拒付声明
~of earned surplus盈余公积计算书
~of earnings收益计算书
~of estimated application of funds预计资金运用表
~of expenditures and encumbrance compared with appropriation支出及保留数与核定拨款数比较表
~of expenses 费用清单
~of fact 事实陈述书
~of factory operating expenses工厂管理费用表
~of final accounts 会计决算报表
~of Financial Accounting Concepts 《财务会计概念说明》
~of Financial Accounting Standards?《财务会计标准汇编》
~of financial affairs债务清册(清单)(cf.~affairs)
~of financial conditions财务状况表(也称为balance sheet)
~of financial income and expense财务收入及费用表
~of financial position财务状况表(也称为balance sheet)
~of foreign exchange外币资金情况表
~of fund资金(运用)表
~of funds and its application资金动用表
~of funds flow资金流转报表
~of general average 共同海损理算书
~of grounds 申诉
~of income收益报表(也称为 income~, profit-and-loss~, earnings report)
~of income and expenditure收支表,损益表
~of income and expense损益(收支)计算书
~of income and profit-and-loss总括性损益计算书
~of income and retained earnings本期损益和保留盈余表
~of inspection检验报告
~of insufficient fund (银行)存款不足声明书
~of intention(破产案件中债务人提交债权人的)还债意向书
~of International Accounting Standards?《国际会计准则说明》
~of law 法律(上的)陈述,法律(上的)申明
~of loan贷款项目表
~of loan approved批准的贷款项目表
~of loss and gain损益表
~of loss and profit损益计算书
~of manufacturing expenses制造费用表
~of missing goods丢失货物说明书
~of net quick asset flows速动(现金)资产净额流转表
~of non-law 非法律陈述
~of offence 罪行摘要
~of operating earnings营业收益计算书
~of operating expense营业费用表
~of operating revenue营业收入表
~of opinions营业报告书,营业收益计算书
~of order cost分批成本表
~of owners' equity业主权益表
~of particulars(应被告请求由原告或公诉人提交的)情节详细的诉状(也称为bill of particulars)
~of partner's capitals合伙人资本表
~of partnership liquidation合伙清算表
~of payment付款报告单
~of policy保单条款
~of production cost生产成本报告书
~of profit and loss损益计算书
~of profit calculation利润计算表
~of protest异议书
~of realization and liquidation变现(产)及清算表
~of realization income and loss变现(产)损益计算表
~of reasons for court's decision 法庭判决理由的陈述
~of reasons for judicial decision 司法裁决理由的陈述
~of receipts and disbursements and cash balance现金收支及结存表
~of receipts and disbursements of cash现金收支表
~of receipts and disbursements现金收支对照表
~of receipts and payments 收支报告书
~of repentance 悔过书
~of resources 资产来源表
~of resources and obligations资源及义务表
~of resources and liabilities资产负债表
~of resources and their application资金来源及其运用表
~of retained earnings留存收益表
~of revenue estimated and actual预计与实际收入比较表
~of revenues and expenditures收入支出表
~of sales销售报告表
~of selling and administrative expenses销售及管理费用表
~of selling expenses销售费用表
~of service 履历表
~of settlement清算书
~of shorts丢失货物说明书
~of sources and application of funds资金来源与运用表
~of sources and assets of funds资金来源及基金资产表
~of sources and disposition of funds奖金来源及运用表
~of sources and uses of working capital运用资本来源及用途表
~of Standard Accounting Practice标准会计实务说明书
~of stockholders' equity股东权益表
~of stockholders' investment股东投资计算书
~of stockholders' net worth股东权益净值计算书
~of surplus盈余明细表
~of surplus allocation (or appropriation)盈余分配表
~of surplus analysis盈余分析表
~of the accused 被告陈述
~of the bill of exchange汇票上的记载事项
~of the case 案情记录;案情陈述
~of the cost of goods manufactured制成品成本计算表
~of the income and expenditure收支一览表
~of transfers from IBRD国际复兴开发银行拨来资金报告书
~of variation in profit利润变动表
~of variation of funds资金变动表
~of voting power and subscriptions and supplementary resources投票权、认缴款项与补充资金报告书
~of working capital营运资本表
~of working capital changes运用资本变动表
~of working capital flows运用资本流转表
~on auditing procedure查账程序说明书
~on Auditing〔英〕关于审计的说明
~on Auditing Standards《审计准则说明》
~to customers购货客户清单,应收账款清单
O.~and Account Clause〔美〕收支报表和账目条款(指?《联邦宪法》中要求联邦政府定期公布财务收支情况的条款规定,也称为 account~)
~obscuring the proceedings 故意蒙混的陈述
~unconformable to previous accounts 与以前说明不符的供述

Com.: statement of income(收益报表,也称为income statement, profit-and-loss statement, earnings report)和balance sheet(资产负债表,也称为 statement of financial condition, statement of condition, statement of financial position)之间的差别在于“收益报表”是指反映一企业在特定期间发生的一切收入、开支、利润和损失(all revenues, expenses, gains and losses)的财务情况报表;而“资产负债表”则是指反映一实体目前财务状况(financial position)的报表,说明实体的资产价值、债务以及所有人的股份(value of the entity's assets, liabilities, and owners' equity)等情况




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