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词汇 settlement
n.(家庭)财产(或财产权益)让与(契据)(而非按制定法规定之法定继承方式进行继承),和解,(庭外)协议调解 Com. mediation,解决,决定,了结,清偿(算、理),支付,决算,(不动产交易等的)成交会(指双方当事人最后会见并完清所有手续,也称为closing),(遗嘱执行人)处置所有遗产,整理,安排,安置,定居,汇款方式See: final~; full~; judicial~; nuisance~; out-of-court~; strict~; structured~; viatical~; voluntary~
~agreements 清偿协议,和解协议
~allowance 安置费
~estate duty遗产让与税
~-first method先清算偿付后赔付法(指法院实施~credit的一种方法,cf.~credit)
~relation 结算关系
~sheet(不动产交易费用)结算表(也称为closing statement,~statement)
~term 决算期,支付条款
~warrant 财产授予令,结清支付证书,确定支付命令
P.~by amicable arrangement 以友好和解解决争端
~by arbitration以仲裁方式解决争端
~by book entry以账面结账(清算)
~by conciliation 以和解方式解决
~by force 以武力解决
~for minor〔英〕对未成年人的财产授予
~of a commitment了结一项承诺
~of account结算账目,清账
~of accounts for the latter half period后期决算
~of action 诉讼了结,诉讼和解
~of balance结算余额
~of claim理赔
~of clearing balance偿还余额结算
~of debt偿还债务
~of difference差额结算(付清)
~of disputes(和解方式)解决争端
~of easement设定地役权
~of exchange 结汇
~of international disputes by mediation 通过调停解决国际争端
~of international investment disputes 国际投资争议的处理
~of international payment国际支付清算
~of international transaction国际间交易结算
~of leasehold设定租赁
~of loss 赔付损失,损失处理
~of mortgage设定抵押权
~of obligations债务的清偿
~of options〔保〕赔款选择
~of subsidy补助金结算
~of superficies设定地上权
~of tax查定税额,税款清算
~of the invoiced price支付发票价格金额
~ of trust信托的设定
~on account 记账结算,账目清算,结算账款
~on the dates按期结算
~out of court法院外和解,在法院外解决争端
~through accounts非现金结算
~to minimize tax〔英〕使税额减至最低额的财产授予
~with retiring partner退伙人股份清偿
O.~s based on antenuptial agreements 婚前合议的财产授予协约
~inter vivos 生前的财产处分,〔英〕生前的财产授予
in marriage~s, historically, the wife waived her right to claim dower or to succeed to her husband's property以往,在婚姻财产让与契据中,妻子多放弃其对嫁妆的主张权利或放弃继承其丈夫财产的权利
the parties reached a~the day before trial案件审判前一天,双方当事人达成了和解协议
the~of the tycoon's estate was long and complex处置企业巨头的遗产是个长期和复杂的工作
the~on their first home is next Friday下星期五将举行有关他们新住宅交易的成交会
the seller shipped the goods after confirming the buyer's~of the account确认买方结清账户后卖方才装运货物




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