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词汇 note
n.笔记,记录,通知书,便条,照会,通牒,摘记,注释(意、解),票据,本票,纸币,借据,按语,评注,符号,标记,记下,注意,指(表)明? v.注意,记录,(给犯人)打烙印See: accommodation~; approved~; balloon~; bank~; blue~; bought~; circular~; coal~; cognovit~; collateral~; coupon~; demand~; executed~; floating-rate~; hand~; installment~; inverse-floating-rate~; joint and several~; joint~; mortgage~; negotiable~; non-recourse~; premium~; promissory~; recourse~; reissuable~; renewal~; sale~; savings~; secured~; sold~; stock~; tax anticipation~; time~; treasury~; unsecured~
Q.~appendix 附注
~book 票据簿,备忘录,笔记本
~broker 票据经纪人,(股票等)有价证券经纪人(指就商业票据的贴现和出售进行谈判者)
~circulation 钞票流通
~discount 票据贴现
~discounted a
c =~discounted account 票据贴现账户,已贴现票据账户
~holder 持票人
~issue 纸币发行,通货发行,发行钞票
~journal 票据日记账,票据分录簿
~maturity notice 票据到期通知
~option depositaries 票据选择买卖信托公司
~order payable to bearer 凭票即付持票人
~payable account 应付票据账户(科目)
~payable book 应付票据
~payable register 应付票据登记簿
~receivable account 应收票据账户(科目),应收期票账
~receivable endorsed account 已背书应收票据账户(科目)
~receivable journal 应收票据簿
~receivable register 应收票据登记簿
~register 期票登记簿,票据登记簿
~renewals 转期票据,延长到期日期的票据
~renewals 转期票据
~shaver 高利贷者
~teller 银行票据员
P.~after sight 见票后付款的票据
~at demand 即期票据,见票后即付的票据
~at sight 即期票据,见票后即付的票据
~due to affiliated company 应付联营公司票据
~for a term 期票
~for payment of tonnage 吨税交纳单
~in circulation 流通中货币(指银行外货币或公众持有货币)
~of a fine〔古〕(土地转让之诉的)案情简要草稿(也称为abstract of a fine)
~of acceptance 承诺(兑)书
~of allowance〔英〕(在收到一方当事人就案件的一法律错误的通知后法院书记员签发的承认错误确实存在的)错误确认书
~of approval 同意的照会
~of arrival 到达通知
~of assessment to tax 估税单
~of convocation 召开会议的函件(或通知书)
~of decisions〔美〕判例注释,判例说明(指注释法规卷本中刊出的讨论法规的案例参考)
~of defect fr om visual inspection 肉眼检验的缺点备注
~of dishonor 退票通知(书), 拒绝承兑证书
~of hand 期票,本票借据,手据(也称为promissory~)
~of large(small) denomination 大(小)票,大(小)额钞票
~of protest(公证人对汇票等的)拒付证明通知,〔国〕抗议照会
~of register 票据登记簿
~of the product 产品的特色
~of transmittal 送文说明
~on demand 见票即付的期票,即付票据
~on discount贴现票据,票据贴现
~on the debt 债务的说明
~to bearer 不记名票据,来人票据
~to consolidated financial statements 综合财务报表脚注
~to financial statement 财务报表说明
~to order 记名支票,须签名盖章的期票(票据)
~to the account 账目附注V. to~a bill (公证人)记录拒兑汇票
~a risk 承保一笔业务
~buyer 通知买方
O.~and acceptances receivable 应收票据与承兑票据
~and bills receivable discounted 已贴现应收票据
~dishonored 退票
~payable 应付票据(指出票人所开出的到期票据,也称为 account payable)
~payable at bank 在银行付款的票据
~payable in demand 即期应付票据
~payable to subsidiary 应付附属机构的票据
~receivable 应收期票,应收票据,给债权人的期票(也称为 account receivable)
~receivable as collateral 应收票据担保,应收抵押票
~receivable discounted 贴现的应收票据,应收票据贴现
~receivable dishonored 拒付应收票据
~receivable from stockholder 应收股东票据
~receivable past due 过期应收票据
~receivable endorsed 已背书的应收票据
~receivable from customers 应收客户票据
~receivable from officers and employees 应收职员和职工票据
~receivable from stockholders 应收股东票据
~receivable from trade 应收商业票据
~receivable past due 过期应收票据
~receivable protested 拒付应收票据,已作拒付证书的应收票据
~ed component 核定等待数
~ed paper 经注明(未能兑付)的票据
~ed probable jurisdiction 认可存在的司法管辖区
~ed project 核定待筹经费的项目
~ed-up 等同 citator(英联邦国家使用)
as punishment, the criminal was~d 罪犯被烙上烙印以示惩罚
the court reporter~d the objection in the record 法庭记录员将此异议记录在案
the defendant~d that the plaintiff seemed nervous被告注意到原告似乎有些紧张




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