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词汇 risk
1. n.危险,风险,风险责任,〔险〕保险责任,风险概率,风险程度,保险损失数额,保险对象(人或物),(pl.)险种,险别2. v.冒险,作赌注See: absorbable~; assigned~; classified~; non-insurable~; pure~; speculative~
Q.~-adjusted discount rate按风险而规定的贴现率
~-bearing entity保险实体,保险单位
~bearing theory危险负担说
~-benefit ratio风险—收益比(率)
~-benefit test风险—收益标准(指决定产品责任归属的方法,如理性之人认为产品设计之固有风险大于其收益,制造商则应承担产品责任,也称为~-utility test, danger-utility test)
~capital 风险投资资本(可能会有高回报,也称为venture capital),风险企业投资资本(尤指投资者不参与直接管理)
~capital pool风险资本合营
~capital test风险投资资本标准(以证券商是否募集风险资本作为风险企业投资为基础衡量证券是否应受证券法管辖之标准,cf. capital-~test)
~discount factor风险贴现因素
~efficient external financing strategies减少风险的国外筹资战略
~-free rate无风险贴现率
~plan basis实际危险制
~-utility test风险—应用对比标准(cf.~-benefit test)
~-value index风险价值指数
P.~for own account个人责任险
~in transit 运输途中的风险
~of accidental loss意外损失险
~of bad odor恶味险
~s of banking银行业务风险
~of breakage破碎险,破损险
~of carriage运输的风险
~of change of flavor变味险
~of collision碰撞危险
~of contamination玷污险
~of contamination with other cargo受其他货物污染险
~of craft and
or lighter驳船险
~of currency depreciation通货保证险
~of error过失险
~of fresh and
or rain water淡水雨淋险
~of fresh water damage淡水损险
~of fresh(oil)damage淡水(油渍)险
~of hook damage钩损险
~of international multi-model transport国际多种方式联运险
~of jury doubt(当事人)去除陪审团疑惑的风险(指当事人所负的应使陪审团相信自己陈述事实的责任,也称为burden of persuasion)
~of leakage 渗漏险
~of loss损失险
~of mould发霉险
~of no delivery遗失险
~of non-delivery 提货不着险
~of non-performance不履行合同保险
~of non-persuasion不劝导陪审团相信自己陈述事实的风险(cf.~of jury doubt)
~of non-persuasion证据无用的风险
~of oil damage 油渍险
~of price decline跌价风险
~of rust锈损险,生锈险
~of shortage 货差险
~of shortage in weight短重险
~of sliding damage吊索损险
~of strikes,riots and civil commotions罢工、暴动及民众骚动险
~of sweat damage潮腐险
~of the sea海上风险
~of theft and (or) pilferage盗窃险
~of theft,pilferage and non-delivery偷窃险和提货不着险
~of warehouse to warehouse 仓库至仓库险
O.~and adjusted discount rates调整风险贴现(折现)率
~s covered(insured)承保危(风)险
~s excluded〔保〕除外责任
a~-averse investor一个十分谨慎的投资者
all~s 一切险
many feel that skydiving is not worth the risk很多人觉得尽量延长张伞运动是一项不值的冒险
she is a poor~for health insurance她不适合进行健康保险
the consumer-protection statute placed the~on the manufacturer instead of the buyer消费者权利保护法规定风险责任由制造商而非买方承担
the insurer undertook the~in exchange for a premium保险商收取保险费,从而承担保险责任
the~of loss passes to the buyer when the goods are duly delivered to the carrier当货物正式交付给承运人之后损失风险便转到买方
the~of personal injury and property damages should be placed with the manufacturer rather than the consumer人身伤害和财产损失风险应由制造商而非顾客所承担
the underwriter took steps to reduce its total~保险公司采取步骤以减少自己的总保险损失数额
this homeowner's policy covers fire~s and flood~s 房主保险单上的险别包括火险和水险




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