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词汇 condition
n. 条件,要件,状况,状态,(pl.)环境,形势,条款,地位,身份,(合同的)条款,规定 See: affirmative~; artificial~; casual~; collateral~; compulsory~; concurrent~; copulative~; dangerous~; dependent~; disjunctive~;dissolving~; express~; implied~; implied-in-fact~; implied-in-law~; inherent~; lawful~; mixed~; negative~; positive~; potestative~; preexsisting~; promissory~; resolutory~; restrictive~; single~; suspensive~; unlawful~
Q.~clause 基本条件
P.~as to time of shipment有关装船时的条件
~for copyright protection 版权保护条件
~for employment雇佣条件
~for identification识别条件
~s for loans贷款条件
~s for patentability专利性条件
~for validity有效条件
~in the letter of credit信用证的条件
~of a loan贷款条件
~s of an action诉讼条件
~s of an action in the private prosecution自诉的诉讼条件
~of an action in the public prosecution公诉的诉讼条件
~of affairs事态
~of alien 外国人身份
~of appeal 上诉条件
~of assets资产状况
~of crime犯罪条件
~of employment雇佣条件
~of grant让与条件
~of insurance 保险条件
~s of labor劳动条件
~of lawsuit诉讼条件
~s of protection保护条件
~of punishment处罚条件
~of reciprocity 互惠条件,对等条件
~of recognition承认条件
~of recognizance 保释(具结)条件
~of registration 注册条件
~s of sale 拍卖条件(一般作成书面)
~of servitude 奴隶身份
~s of the contract 合同条件
~of the injury 伤势
~of validity 有效条件
O.~and exception as per charter party 条件及免责按租船合同(租船提单中的一种用语)
~s concurrent同时履行的(合同)条件(等同concurrent~s)
~final at shipment 以装货时状态为准
~implied by
in law法律推定的条件(指双方当事人遗漏但法院合理推定成立的条件,也称为 constructive~; implied-in-law~)
~precedent 先决条件(协议中规定只有某事发生才赋予权利的条件)
~resolutoire 解除条件
~s unchangeable clause 情势不变条款




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