词汇 | reciprocity |
例句 | n.〔国〕互惠(性),(因商贸或外交关系)相互特许(让步、优惠) Q.~agreement 互惠协定 ~clause 互惠条款 ~treaty互惠条约 P.~in trade商业上的互惠,贸易上的互惠 ~in trade between two countries两国间贸易互惠 ~of benefits利益互惠 ~of opportunities机会对等(互惠) ~of transaction互惠交易 O. non presumptive material~非假定的实质上的互惠 presumptive formal~假定的形式上的互惠 Taxes and Louisiana grant~to each other's citizens in qualifying for in state tuition rates德州和路易斯安那州相互同意给予对方公民学费优惠待遇 the Wangs stopped receiving social invitations from friends because of their lack of~因其朋友们缺乏互惠性行为,王家夫妇停止社交邀请活动 |
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