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词汇 reserve
1. n.保留,保存(物),储备(金、物)(尤指银行或保险公司拨付的用于支付今后责任的基金),保险费净余(指除去支出后所剩下的净值,也称为net value),准备金,公积金,外汇储备,保留地(cf. reservation),(pl.)后备军,预备役,未透露的消息,秘密,限度2. v.储备,保存(留),推(延)迟,预订(约)(座位、房间等)See: amortization~; bad-debt~; legal~; loss~; mean~; policy~; primary~ratio; required~; secondary~ratio; sinking-fund~; unearned-premium~; with~; without~
Q.~account准备账户(科目)(指贷方持有的用以支付捐税、保险以及其他不动产定期债务之累积基金科目,也称为impound account, escrow, escrow account)
~accounting period准备会计期
~bank〔美〕储备银行(指属于Federal Reserve System成员的银行,也称为member bank),准备银行
~Board〔美〕联邦储备委员会(为监督联邦储备银行和会员银行的最高机构,全称为:Federal~Board of Governors)
~fund account储备资金账户
~fund for equalization of dividends平均分红公积金,平均股利准备金
~fund for major repairs大修准备金
~position in IMF在国际货币组织中的储备地位
~position in the fund在国际货币基金内的储备净额
~posting system过账还原法
~price(拍卖中的)底价(指拍卖物品的最低价格,cf. with~, without~)
~trend adjustment经过调整的翻转趋势
P.~against deposit存款准备金
~against inventory valuation存货估价准备
~against losses亏损准备金
~against notes发行准备金
~for accidents意外损伤储备金
~for bad and doubtful accounts呆账准备金
~for bad debts呆(坏)账准备,倒账准备
~for balances carried forward to cover encumbrances抵付保留数结转余额准备
~for bond redemption 偿债储备
~for bonded debts长期借款准备
~for burden adjustment间接费调整准备
~for business expansion扩大经营公积金
~for dead loan滞贷准备
~for discounts折扣准备
~for dividend股利准备,红利分配准备
~for doubtful account呆账准备
~for expansion扩充储备
~for extensions扩充准备,扩展公债
~for extraordinary casualty意外事故准备
~for improvement on property改建准备
~for inadequacy以备不当之准备
~for increased investment in plant增加设备投资公积金
~for insurance保险准备
~for interdepartmental encumbrance内部保留数准备
~for loss on doubtful accounts疑(呆)账损失准备
~for outstanding losses未决赔款准备金
~for payment支付准备
~for plant extension厂场扩充准备
~for purchase of treasury stock购买库存股准备
~for realized profits and losses实现损益准备
~for redemption of preferred收回优先股准备
~for renewal and replacement换新及重置准备
~for repairs修理准备,修缮准备
~for replacement重置准备
~for retirement a/c(account)退职金专款账户
~for sales discount销售折扣准备
~for taxes 纳税储备,税捐准备
~for technical research and development技术科研公积金
~for temporary loans暂借款准备
~for uncollectible accounts坏账准备
~of finished goods成品储备
~of major repair fund大修基金
~to reduce inventory value to market盘存估价准备 V. to~a decision(法官)推迟判决
~an entry冲账
~the user of保留受益权,保留使用权
O.~and gold assets movement储备和黄金资产的流动
~arising on consolidation综合账产生的溢价
~ing points of law保留法律要点(指过去普通法上一种常见做法)
~ing state保留国(指对条约提出保留条款的国家)
the justices~d the question because it was not an issue in the case法官保留对此问题的解答,因为它不属于本案的问题




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