词汇 | pass |
例句 | 1.n.护照,执照,通行证,经过,及格证书,招待券2.v.通过,批准,传达(命令),传递,(货币)流通,宣告,判决,约定,保证,转(财产权等给别人),让与(财产等),使用(伪币) Q.~book(银行)存折,活期存折,(顾客)赊购(货物的)折子,(南非共和国有色人种的)身份证 ~book custodian certificate存折保管证 ~book for goods提货折 ~book saving deposits储蓄存(款)折 ~dividend决定没有红利,拖欠股利 ~entries入账,过账 ~key万能钥匙 ~law(南非共和国)通行证法 ~muter合格,检查通过 ~through security转手证券,过手证券(指将借款人支付的本息转交给投资者的证券) ~through taxation转手税制(指向实体的所有人而非向实体征收该实体的所得税,如合伙或S公司等便属于此种税制的对象,也称为 conduit taxation) P.~along转手至(cf.~through) ~for genuine冒充真货 ~off出售假冒(或仿冒)商标商品 ~off patent假冒专利 ~off registered trademark假冒注册商标 ~off the patent假冒(他人)专利 ~on bank's solvency核定银行的偿付能力 ~to the account of the firm并入公司账内 ~through转手至(指卖方或出租方将成本转手到买方或承租人,也称为~along) ~through the account入账 V. to~a divided〔美〕决定不发放股利,拖欠股利 ~a law通过法律 to~a sentence on somebody 对某人科刑 ~bad check使用假支票 ~judgement on sb.对某人作判决 ~no more停止继续贷款(或no more credit) ~the requirement符合规格,合格 ~the witness现在可以质询证人(法庭用语,也称为to take the witness) O.~ed dividend过期未公布的股息,空过股利 ~ed examination检查合格 ~ing a divident不发放股利,拖欠股利 ~ing a name登记买方姓名,买主签名 ~ing of risk风险转移 ~ing of title所有权转移,商品主权的转移,产权转移 ~ing off假冒商品之诉 ~ing report列车过站报告 ~ing the dividend不发放股利,不分配股息 ~ing title转移产权,转移所有权 Congress has debated whether to~a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution国会已就是否通过有关《联邦宪法》的平衡预算修正案作了辩论 he was found guilty of~ing counterfeit bills他被认定犯有使用伪钞罪 the case was~ed on the court's trial docket because the judge was presiding over a criminal trial因为法官正在审理一刑事案件,故本案暂被搁置在待审案件单上 the court refused to~on the constitutional issue, deciding the case instead on procedural grounds法院拒绝就宪法问题进行判决,而只基于程序理由对此案件进行了裁定 the mechanic informed her that the car had~ed inspection机械师通知她汽车已通过检验 the woman's will~es title to the house to her nephew, much to her husband's surprise该妇女在遗嘱中将房屋赠与她的侄儿,这使得其丈夫十分吃惊 title~ed when the nephew received the deed当侄子收到地契物权则发生转移passablen.通用的,可用的 Q.~bill通用票据 ~coin通用钱币 |
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