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词汇 release
1.n.免除(义务、责任等),解除(合同),放弃(权利、要求等),弃权书,收据,出版(发行)授权(许可)书,(财产或权益的)转让或处置,财产转让书,解脱束缚,(罪犯等的)释放令2.v.解放(除),开释,免除,准予发表,转让(财产等),放弃(权利等)See: conditional~; partial~
Q.~certificate 让渡证书,释放证书
~fee 遣散费
~procedure释放程序(手续) V. to~a prisoner 释放囚犯
~a ship放行船舶
~after the sentence expires 延期释放
~an article for publication 准许文章发表
~before the sentence expires 提前释放
P.~for shipment启运许可证
~from an obligation解除义务
~from confinement释放
~from guilt免罪,赦罪
~from liability解除债务
~from liability to penalty免除刑事责任
~from the contract免除合同(契约)义务
~of bank accounts银行存款解冻
~of capital资本节余
~of debt免除债务
~of distress解除扣押,发还扣押物
~of mortgage按揭解除书(指在付清借贷后出具的证明抵押解除,借款人对财产已拥有完全权利的文件)
~on bail保释
~on recognizance 具结释放(指在等待刑事起诉期间,被告提供保证之后获得释放的一种方法,也称为~on own recognizance)
~on parole假释
~on probation缓刑释放
~to uses财产使用让与书
~without payment of duty免税放行
O. after the sheriff signed the~, the prisoner was free to go司法官签署释放令后囚犯有权离开
did not effect a~of the school for any negligence未使学校解除任何过失责任
he became a model citizen after his~from prison从监狱释放之后他变成为一个模范公民
it was a~of the remainder of the debt其是放弃对剩余债务的权利
the employee asked for a~from the non complete agreement雇员要求解除尚未履行完毕的协议
the legal description in the~was defective转让文件的法律陈述有缺陷
the newspaper obtained a~from the witness before printing his picture on the front page在将他的照片刊登在封页之前该报纸获得了此证人的出版授权书
the~of the easement on May 15地役权的转让为5月15日
Tom signed the~before accepting the cash from Jones汤姆从琼斯处收到现金之前签署了一张收据




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