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词汇 damage
1.n. 损害(失、坏)Com. injury,〔海〕(货物的)灭失,(pl.)损害赔偿(金)Com. Solatium 2.v.(受到)损坏,(被)损害3.a.(财产或人身)遭到损害的,与损害相关的(单数和复数形式均可) See: accumulative~s; actual~s; added~s; benefit-of-the-bargain~s; compensatory~s; consequential~s; continuing~s; direct~s; discretionary~s; double~s; enhanced~s; estimated~s; excess~s; excessive~s; exemplary~s; fee~s; foreseeable~s; future~s; general~s; hedonic~s; imaginary~s; inadequate~s; irreparable~s; land~s; lawful~s; liquidated~s; loss-of-bargain~s; lost-expectation~s; mitigation of~s; moratory~s; multiple~s; necessary~s; particular~s; pecuniary~s; presumptive~s; prospective~s; proximate~s; punitive~s; reliance~s; reliance-loss~s; remote~s; rescissory~s; restitution~s; severance~s; special~s; speculative~s; statutory~s; stipulated~s; substantial~s; temporary~s; treble~s; uncertain~s; unliquidated~s; vindictive~s
~appraiser 理赔员
~assumption clause 损害承担条款
~award 损害赔偿金
~cargo clerk〔美〕货损管理员,理赔员
~cargo list 货损单
~cargo report 受损货物报告书,货物残损报告书
~certificate 残损证明(由码头或港方出具)
~computation 损失计算
~condition 损坏状况
~control 损害控制,意外爆炸的安全控制
~cost 损害费用(已造成损害的金钱费用,通常指污染造成的损害)
~feasant〔古〕导致损害(尤指牲畜非法侵入他人领地啃吃庄稼或践踏草地,土地主人可扣押牲畜,也称为domnum facientes)
~goods 损坏货物
~insurance 损失险
~plan 损坏情况示意图
~repair 损坏修理
~report 损坏报告,破坏报告书
~rule损害索赔时效规则(指时效应从权利主张人遭受某些可予以起诉的损害时开始,也称为legal-injury rule)
~suit 损害赔偿之诉
~survey 损失调查,损坏检验
P.~s by children未成年人所造成的损害赔偿
~by friction 摩擦损伤
~by hook 钩损
~by insect 虫损
~by water 水损
~s for adultery 因通奸导致的损害赔偿
~s for breach of contract 违约赔偿金
~s for delay 延迟损害赔偿金
~s for demurrage(货物)滞期损失费
~s for detention(货物)滞留损失赔偿金(非合同规定而由法院裁定,也称为 noncontract demurrage)
~s for libel因书面诽谤所致的损害赔偿
~s for loss of consortium 丧失配偶权利的损害赔偿
~s for lost expectations预期收益损失赔偿金(指针对原告预期在交易中应得收益而因违约导致损失进行的赔偿,也称为expectation~s, expectancy~s, lost-expectation~s, lost of bargain~s)
~s for prospective loss 预期利益损失赔偿金
~s for the loss灭失赔偿金
~s for enticement引诱他人配偶之损害赔偿
~s for trespass非法入侵领地之损害赔偿
~from winding 磁带卷绕损伤
~in collision 碰撞损坏
~s in compensation for the breach of contract违约损害赔偿
~in law 法定损害
~s in substitution用替代物的损害赔偿
~in transit 运输中受损,运送中损坏
~in transport运输损坏
~of a non-economic character 非经济性质的损害
~of a pecuniary character金钱性质的损害
~through contact with other cargo 与其他货物接触受损
~to cargo 货损
~to person人身伤害(包括肉体、精神和情感上的伤害)
~to property 财产损
O.~allowed as general average 可作为共同海损的损失
~capable of being covered by insurance 可由保险负责的损失
~s caused by a domestic animal 因家畜所致的损害赔偿
~s caused by aircraft 飞机(或航空器)所致的损害赔偿
~caused by an automobile 因汽车所致的损害赔偿
~s caused by default 因迟延所致的损害赔偿
~s caused by inherently dangerous activities 因固有危险活动所造成的损害赔偿
~s caused by the buyer's fault 因买受人过错所致(违约)的损害赔偿
~s caused by the fall of a building 因建筑物坍塌所致的损害赔偿
~s caused by the seller's fault 因出卖人过错所致(违约)的损害赔偿
~done clause(船舶)碰撞损坏赔偿条款
~due to contact with other cargo 与其他货物接触受损
~due to faulty packing 因包装不善造成的损坏
feasant〔英〕牲畜闯入他人土地(使庄稼或树木)所致的损害(cf. distress of~),造成损害
~made goods as general average 作为共同海损得到补偿的损失
actionable~resulting from negligence因过失导致的可予以起诉的损害
aggravated~s 加重的损失赔偿(为安慰受害人而处的除金钱以外的赔偿,包括合同的实际履行等)
derisory~s 嘲弄性赔偿金(指原告技术上被侵权但实际未受任何损失,且法院认为根本不应提起诉讼时判处的微不足道的赔偿金)
expectancy~s 预期收益损害赔偿金(指对原告期待合同履行之收益进行的补偿,也称为 expectation~s)
the plaintiff seeks $ 500 in~s from the defendant原告向被告索赔500元损害赔偿金
to cause~导致损失
to suffer~遭受损失

Com.: 按以往的概念,单数的damage 和复数的damages 的区别应当较大,前者为损害,后者指损害赔偿(金),即对一个人所受损害的补偿。但逐渐地, damages也经常在英文词典或着述中被用作当“损失”或“灭失”,即可望得到损害赔偿金补偿的损失或灭失,其等同losses for which damages are recoverable,尽管“Black's Law Dictionary”仍对damages 作有较严格界定,说其是“compensation in money for a loss or damage”,但就在该词典内,仍有诸如“diminution of damages”和“mitigation of damages”等词组,其中的damages均为“损失”或“损害”

Com.: damages 的种类很多,但最常见的有compensatory damages, punitive damages, nominal damages,以及 aggravated damages四种,其中compensatory damages, punitive damages 和 nominal damages均为金钱补偿(pecuniary damages),即均属于赔偿金范畴,只有 aggravated damages为非金钱补偿(non-pecuniary damages),即不属于赔偿金。 compensatory damages为补偿性赔偿金,指根据实际损失的多少予以的赔偿;punitive damages 为惩罚性赔偿金,指因过错人所犯过失恶劣等故而处的超出实际损失数量之赔偿,一般用于侵权而非违约之诉;nominal damages为象征性赔偿金,指证明被告有过错但却无法证明实际损失时所处的数额很少的一种赔偿金;而aggravated damages 则为加重的损害赔偿,指如受害人受伤害太深等无法用金钱补偿时所处的除金钱之外的补偿,其中包括如赔礼道歉、合同的实际履行等等




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