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词汇 net
Q.~account due 到期付款净额
~account receivable 应收账款净额
~accumulative allocation 纯累积分配额
~adjustment for real estate sold 出售不动产净调整值
~advance 预付款净额
~advantage 净利益
~aggregate shortfall(出口)收入不足累计净额
~amortization charge 推销费用净额
~amount 净额,净总值,净数,实数
~amount of non-operating profit and loss 营业外损益净额
~amount paid 实际支付数额
~annual cash flow 年净现金流通额
~annual premium 年缴保险费净额
~arrived sound value 完好货物到达净价
~arrived value 到货净价值
~assessable value 应评税净值
~assets 净资产
~asset value 资产净值,财产净价值,净资产价值
~asset value per share 每股净资产值
~assets 资产净额,净资产
~assets increase 资产净值的增长
~available assets 可利用的资产净额
~avails 贴现净得
~average weekly earning 每周平均净收入
~back price 净价,出厂价格
~balance 净差额,净余额
~balance of payment 国际净收支
~balance of trade 贸易净差额
~barter terms of trade 纯易货贸易条件
~beginning-of-year value 年初净值
~benefit 净利益
~bonded debt 债券负债净额(指债券负债总额减去现金和其他资产)
~book agreement 纯(净)书面协议
~book agreement 净账面协议
~book value 账面净值
~borrowed reserves 净借入准备金(指从中央银行的借款额中减去超额准备金)
~budget 纯预算
~budgeting 净预算编造
~business earnings 营业(企业)净收益
~business formation 纯商业开办
~business saving 纯企业储蓄
~capacity 净容积,净能力,净载货量
~capital 资本净额,净资本
~capital employed(企业)运用的净资本
~capital export 资本输出净值
~capital formation 净资本形成
~capital gain 资本净收益,净资本利得
~capital gain deduction 资本净收益扣除
~capital loss 资本净损
~capital rule资本净值规则(指证券交易委员会制定的规定证券经纪人必须保留最低的资本值,且其总负债必须低于其资产净值水平之规则)
~cash 净现金,最低现金价格
~cash absorbed 现金吸收净额
~cash available or balance 净可用现金或余额
~cash flow 净现金流转,现金净流量
~cash income 纯现金收益
~cash price 净现金价
~cash produced 现金产生净额
~change 兑换净额,净差额
~change in income 收益的最后变化
~chargeable income 应课税收益实额,应课税收入净额,应纳税的纯收益,
~charter 净租条件,净租赁(指在第一装货港交船后承租人即支付装货港和卸货港的一切费用,包括装货费、卸货费、平仓费等)
~commitment 净承诺(责任)
~contribution 净分摊额,捐助净额
~contributor 净援助国
~cost 净成本,净价
~cost account 净成本账户,进价净价账
~credit 贷款净额
~current assets 流动资产净额
~cycle time 工作循环时间,总工作时间(开机时间加停机时间)
~date 确定日期
~debt 实际债务,净负债
~decline 净下降
~deferential cost 净差别成本
~deficiency 净亏损
~deficit 净亏
~deficit for the period 本期净损失
~demand inflation 纯需求通货膨胀
~demand deposit 活期存款净额
~deposits 存款净额
~disbursement 净支出,净拨付款项
~domestic product 国内净产值
~donor 净援助国
~earned surplus 已获盈余净额,营业盈余净额
~earnings 净收益,净盈利,工资净得,实得报酬
~economic benefit 净经济收益
~economic saving 纯节省数
~economic welfare 纯经济福利,国民净经济福利
~effective distribution 净有效分配
~effects 实际效果
~efficiency 净效率
~emigration 净迁出
~end-of-year value 年终净值
~error 误计净额,净误差
~estate 纯地产,纯不动产,纯资产
~expected value 净期待值
~expenditure 纯支出
~export 净出口(进出口某种商品时,在一定时期内,如1年内如果出口大于进口,即为净出口,反之即为净进口)
~export value 出口净值
~exporter 净出口国
~exporting country 纯输出国
~exports of services 劳务输出净额
~external assets 外国资产的净值
~external balance 对外贸易净差额
~factor income from the rest of the world 国外要素收入净款
~fertility rate 净生育率
~fertility schedule 净生育率表
~financial capital out flow 金融性资本的净外流
~fixed assets 固定资产纯额
~flow 净流量,网络流量,流动净额
~flows of revenue 预算的收入净额
~foreign assets 国外资产净额
~foreign investment 国外投资净额
~free reserve 净自由准备金(指超额准备金减去向中央银行的借款)
~freight 运费纯收入,运费实收金,运费净数
~gain from sampling 抽样中净得
~gain on exchange 汇兑纯益
~government capital flow 政府资财流量净额
~gross margin variance 净毛利差异
~household income 住户纯收入
~immigration 净迁入
~import value 进口净值
~importer 净进口国,净进口商
~income 净收入,纯收益(入),净所得
~income after depreciation 折旧后净收益
~income after income taxes 扣缴所得税后的净收益
~income after interest charges 计息后净收益,支付利息后的净收益
~income after tax 扣(所得)税后净收益,纳(所得)税后净收益
~income and loss 净损益
~income before depreciation 折旧前净收益
~income before extraordinary items 计算特殊项目前的净收益
~income before income taxes 扣除所得税以前的净收益
~income before interest charges 计息前净收益
~income before tax 纳所得税前净收益
~income corrections 净收益的改正数
~income distortion 净收益的歪曲
~income expected 预期纯收入(益)
~income from operations 营业净收益,经营净收益
~income on government investment abroad 政府国外投资净收入
~income ratio 净收益率
~income to net sales 净收益与销货净额的比率
~income to sales ratio 净收益对销售额比率
~income to stockholders' equity ratio 净收益对股东产权比率
~income to total assets ratio 净收益对资产总额比率
~increase 递增净额
~increase rate 净增率
~indebtedness 净负债,负债净额
~indirect taxes 净间接税
~inflow of funds 资金流入净额
~interest 净利息,利息净额,纯利,净利
~interest cost净利息支出(指债券发行人发行一批债券的总利息支出)
~interest margin净利差(指放款或投资的平均利息减去总负债和资本的平均利息之差)
~interest paid 实付的利息
~interest yield净利息收益率
~international investment 国际投资净额
~investment 净投资(额),投资净额
~investment income 投资净收益,投资收益净额
~invisible surplus 无形贸易顺差净额
~invoice price 净发票价格,发票价格净额(发票上开列的已扣除折扣或回扣等金额的商品净价)
~labor turnover rate 净人事流动率
~landed weight 卸货净重
~lease 净租赁(指只支付出租者租赁费,其他费用如税款、保险费、维修费等均由承租者支付的租约)
~lending 贷出净额
~level annual premium 每年保持同一水平的溢价净额(或保险费额)
~liabilities 负债净额
~line 最高净限额
~liquid assets 流动资产净额
~liquidity balance 流动资金平衡净额,流动性收支净差额(按净清偿能力计算的国际收支差额)
~listing 净代理销售(指卖价超过规定数额后代理人可获得超过部分款额的一种代理销售权)
~long term debt 长期债务净值
~loss 纯损,净损
~loss account 净损失账户(科目)
~loss on sales 销货净损失
~margin(net profit) 净利润
~marginal value product 纯边际产值
~markdown 标价降低净数,净削价
~mark-on percentage 净增价百分率
~markup 标价提高净数,净加价
~material product 物质产品净值
~material product system of account 物质生产净值账目制度
~methods 网络法
~monetary assets 货币资产净额
~monetary deficit 货币收支净赤字
~monetary working capital 货币运用资本净额
~money income 净货币收入
~money supply 净货币供给量(净货币供给量包括净通货或流通中通货和以支票提取的活期存款)
~monthly household income 住户月净收入
~monthly income per household 每户月净收入
~national debt 国民债务净值
~national domestic product 国民总生产净值
~national income 国民纯收入
~national product 国民生产净值(额),〔香〕国民净生产
~national welfare 国民净福利指标
~lease“三净”租赁(指由承租人完全承担所有费用,包括按揭利息、分期偿还费用等,出租人完全不承担任何请求与主张之租赁,也称为 triple net lease)
~obligation 净负债,负债净额
~official flow 官方资金流动量
~operating assets经营净资产
~operating costs 经营费用(成本)净额
~operating earnings 营业净收益
~operating income 净营业收入(总收益减去营业费用后之收益)
~operating loss 营业净损(指除去收入后的净损失)
~operating profit 营业净利
~output 净输出,纯产量,净产值,净产出(量)
~output value of industry 工业净产值
~pay 实付工资
~payroll 实发工资额
~personality 纯动产
~premium 溢价净额,保险费净额,奖金净额,佣金净额,酬金净额,净贴水
~preparation cost 净制备成本
~present value 净现值,纯现价(指现金投资与其带来的现金流动净额的现在价值之间的差额)
~present value index 净现值指数
~present value method 净现值法
~present value model 净现值模型(式)
~price 净价,实价
~price method 净价法
~price method of discount recognition 折扣的净价确定法
~price procedure 净价法
~primary production 纯原始产量(额)
~private domestic investment 国内私人净投资额
~proceeds 净收益,实得额
~proceeds from sales 销货净收入
~product 纯生产额
~production 纯商品生产
~profit 净利(润),纯利,利润净额
~profit after taxation 税后净利,税后纯利
~profit before depreciation 折旧前净利
~profit before tax 纳税前净利
~profit contribution 净收益
~profit earned 赚得纯利
~profit for the current year 本年净利润
~profit interest以净利计算的财产
~profit margin 纯利润率,纯利余额
~profit method 净利法
~profit of the term 本期净利
~profit on net sales ratio 净销售净利润
~profit on net working capital ratio 净流动资本的净利润
~profit on sales 销货净利
~profit or loss 净损益,纯损益
~profit quota 净利润分配额
~profit rate 净利润率,纯利率
~profit share lease净利分享租约
~profit to net worth 资本净利
~profit to net worth ratio 资本净利率,纯利与净值的比率
~profit to sales 销货净利
~profit to sales ratio 销售净利率
~profit undivided 本分配净利
~profit vs. contribution margin 净利对边际利润,纯利对毛利额
~property income 净财产收入
~public lending 政府放款净额
~purchases 购买净额,进(购)货净额
~purchases of intangible assets from the rest of the world 国外购买的无形资产净额
~quantity 净数量
~quick assets 速动资产净额
~railway operating income 铁路营运净收入
~rate of tax 净税率
~realizable value 可变现净值,净值现价值,净变现价值
~realizable value method 可变现净值法
~receipt 纯收入
~recipient country 纯粹受援国,净受援国
~refrigerating effect 净制冷量
~register tonnage 登记净吨位,注册净吨位
~registered tonnage 净注册吨
~remittance accountable by agency 机构应负责的净汇款
~remuneration 薪酬净额,净报酬
~rental 净租金(支付维修费、捐税等以后的租金)
~reproduction 净再生产
~reproduction rate 净再生产率
~requirement 净需要量
~reserves 净准备金
~result 最后结果
~retained lines clause 净保留额条款
~return from services 劳务收入净额
revenue (投资等的)纯收益,营业净收入
~sales 销货净额,净销价(售货后的全部收入减去退货货款和给予买方的折扣和回扣后的余额)
~sales billed growth rate 销货入账净额增长率
~sales-value method 净销售值法
~salvage 净残值
~saving 净储蓄,净积金(总积余减折旧及存货升值)
~sector output 部门净产品
~selling price method 净销价法
~settlement 结算净额
shipping weight 装船净重量,运出净量
~shortfall in resources 资金净差额
~short term gain 短期净收益
~single premium 一次净保险费
~spot foreign currency positions 外币现货净有额
~supply 净供应额
~surplus 盈余净额,公积金净额
~tangible assets to long-term debt ratio 有形资产净值对长期债务比率,债务对产权比率
~tangible assets(ratio) 有形资产净额(比率),净有形资产(比率)
~tare 包皮净重,净皮重
~taxable income 净应税所得
~terminal value 净期本价值
~terms 净租条件(不包括租船人佣金的租费)
~terms of trade 纯贸易条件,净物交易条件
~ton 短吨,美吨(等于2000磅),净吨
~ton-kilo meters 净吨公里
~tonnage 净吨位
~trading profit 销货净利
~traffic 净运量
~transaction of government assets 政府资产往来净额
~transfer 净转移(额)
~transfer of capital 资本转移净额
~transfer of resources 资源转让净额
~turnover rate 净流动率,净周转率
~validity of resources 净可用资源
~valuation premium (人身保险的)保险费净额
~value added to taxable product 应税产品的净增加值
~weight 净重
~work radio 无线电通讯网
~worth certificate 净资本值证券(根据1982的一部法规发行的一种资本援助证券)
~worth method 净值法(指国内税收署计算税收的一种方法)
~yield 净(纯)收益率(指减去溢价或贴水)
P.~for common stock 普通股净余额(净收入减去优先股股息)
~of administrative expense 除去管理费的净值
~of amortization 摊提净值
~of commission 佣金已扣
~of commitment for settlement 结清承付款项后的净额
~of depreciation 净折旧额
~of indirect tax 间接税已扣
~of tax 纳税后净额
~of tax concept of income tax allocation 所得税分配中的税后净额概念
~of tax income 纳税后的净收入
~of tax method 税后净额法
~of tax reporting 税后净额报表
~of tax treatment 税后净额处理法
~out value 净产值V. to~a handsome profit 获得一笔可观的利润
O.~absolutely 绝对净价,净重
~and gross 净额与毛额
~and gross national product国民生产净值与总值




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