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词汇 action
1.n.诉讼,起诉,行动,行为Com.act 2.v. 起诉,提起诉讼 See: amicable~; cause of~; civil~; class~; collusion~; common-law~; criminal~: derivative~; direct~; fictional~; fictitious~; form of~; joint~; local~; matrimonial~; mixed~; nonpersonal~; penal~; personal~; petitory~; plenary~; possessory~; real~; redhibitory~; remedial~; representation~; right of~; separate~; several~; statutory~; test~; third-party~; transitory~
Q.~agency 诉讼代办所
~area plan 市政区域发展规划
~level 员工身体健康标准(劳保)
P.~against tortfeasors 对侵权者的诉讼
~at law 诉讼
~between husband and wife 夫妻之间的诉讼
~between parent and child 父母和子女之间的诉讼
~by infants for torts 未成年人所提出的侵权行为的诉讼
~by parent for abducting, enticing, or harboring child 父母对诱拐、不法诱惑或藏匿子女所提起的诉讼
~by parent for injuries to child 父母对子女受伤害提起的诉讼
~by parent for seduction or debauching of daughter 父母对女儿被奸污或诱奸提起的诉讼
~for accounting 请求清账的诉讼
~for alienation of affections 对(第三者)以破坏夫妻关系为由提起的诉讼
~for annulment of contract 申请宣告合同无效之诉
~for avoidance 撤销(案件)的诉讼
~for collusion 船舶碰撞之诉(非实质性碰撞包括在内)
~for consortium 主张配偶权利的诉讼
~for criminal conversation 因通奸(提起)的诉讼
~for damages 请求损害赔偿的诉讼
~for death非正常死亡之诉
~for deceit 因欺诈(提起)的诉讼
~for detinue非法扣押动产引起的索赔之诉
~for divorce 请求离婚的诉讼
~for exemption of property from attachment 请求免除财产扣押的诉讼
~for indemnity 请求损害赔偿的诉讼,要求赔款(特别是战败国的战争赔款)的诉讼
~for infringement of a patent因侵犯专利权(提起)的诉讼
~for libel 因诽谤(提起)的诉讼
~for mesne profits要求收回中间收益(指非法占有土地期间的收益)的诉讼
~for money had and received 要求收回被告所得的不当股息之诉
~for negligence 因过失(提起)的诉讼
~for nuisance因骚扰(公害)提起的诉讼
~for poinding(债权人提起的)扣押之诉
~for recourse 主张追索权的诉讼
~for reimbursement申请赔偿的诉讼
~for replevin 要求发还被扣财产之诉
~for restitution 请求退回原物的诉讼
~for retrial要求再审的诉讼
~for sale 要求拍卖抵押财产之诉
~for the restitution of the conjugal community 要求恢复夫妻同居的诉讼
~for trover 请求追索非法占用的诉讼
~for trespass因侵犯(土地等)行为(提起)的诉讼
~for wrongful arrest 因非法逮捕(提起)的诉讼
~in chief 本诉
~in equity 衡平法上的诉讼
~in forma pauperis 穷困者取得法律援助的诉讼
~in personam 对人诉讼,债权诉讼
~in rem 对物诉讼,物权诉讼
~in tort 侵权赔偿之诉
~in trover
for trover
~of account
~for account
~of assize 证明继承土地产权之诉
~of assumpsit 违约损失赔偿之诉
~of book debt 按账面债务索赔之诉
~of contract 违约赔偿之诉
~of conversion 对侵占行为的诉讼
~of debt债务诉讼
~of detinue(要求)收回被非法占有动产的诉讼
~of ejectment 要求收回被占土地之诉
~of (the) first impression新诉(指无先例的诉讼)
~of malicious prosecution 因受诬告而提起的诉讼
~of mandamus请求法院命令被告履行义务的诉讼,请求法院发给强制执行令之诉
~of nullity 要求宣告(合同或婚姻)无效的诉讼
~of performance 要求履行的诉讼,给付之诉
~of presentation 给付之诉
~of real right 物权诉讼,不动产产权之诉
~of rescission撤销合同之诉
~of subrogation 主张代位权的诉讼(指第三人取代债权人向债务人提起的诉讼)
~of trover =~for trover
~of writ 就诉讼开始令不当所作的辩诉(被告称原告无理由请求法院发放诉讼开始令)
~on a contract 因合同引起的诉讼
~on the case 要求赔偿因犯罪行为所造成的间接或附带损失之诉讼
~outside the instrument 根据票据外的关系提起的诉讼
O.~arising under the laws of the United States根据美国法律引起的诉讼
~brought against the estate of a deceased owner对于死者遗产的诉讼
~decided against sb 某人败诉
~decided in favor of sb 某人胜诉
~ex contractu 违反合同允诺之诉
~ex delicto 违反合同责任之诉
~quasi in rem 准对物诉讼
~real 物权诉讼,对物的诉讼
~to enforce judgement 申请强制执行判决的诉讼
~to quiet title 平息地产争议之诉
~to recover the price 要求支付价金之诉
~to redeem赎回股权(或清偿债务)之诉
circuity of~迂回反复诉讼(指将复杂的案情分几次诉讼予以解决)
the~will not lie 此项起诉不能成立

Com.:action, litigation, suit, proceedings, procedure 均有诉讼的含义。action, litigation和proceedings都为一般术语,可指各种诉讼案件,但在英国,action则逐渐演变,现在多用于指民事诉讼了;suit是lawsuit的简略形式,主要用于指民事诉讼;procedure主要是指诉讼程序,如 criminal procedure code(刑事诉讼法典)等




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