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词汇 power
n.权力(范围),权限Com. jurisdiction,政权,势力,能力,(pl.)职权,强国,大国,有权力的人,有影响的机构,授权证书See: appendant~; beneficial~; collateral~; concurrent~; congressional~; enumerated~; general~; implied~; incident~; inherent~; institorial~; investigatory~; judicial~; naked~; plenary~; police~; private~; proprietary~; public~; quasi judicial~; quasi legislative~; relative~; reserved~; resulting~; special~; spending~; taxing~
Q.~appendant(给予受赠人的)附属权利(也称为 appendant~)
~delegating law授权法(指规定和界定政府官员职权的法律,也称为law of competence)
~struggle 权力斗争
P.~in deciding裁决权
~in gross总体权力(指受赠人所持有的权利,在行使此权力时其自身的权益不会受到影响)
~in trust受托权力(受托人为委托人按所托采取措施的权力)
~of absolution赦免权
~of acceptance承诺权(被要约人接受要约以使要约人受约束的权力)
~of administering law执法权,行政管理权
~of advancement(受托人)预付(部分)托管财产(给受益人之)权
~of agency代理权
~of alienation财产处置权(包括出售、转让、转移等)
~of appointment(决定财产归属的)指名权,任命权(也称为enabling~)
~of appointment and removal任免权
~of appointment trust指名权的信托(指将财产处置权托付给生存的配偶的一种信托)
~of arrest拘捕权
~of attorney授权委托书(也称为letter of attorney)Com. proxy,代理权
~of attorney clause代理权条款
~of attorney endorsement委任背书
~of attorney to manage property管理财产的委任书
~of attorney to perform operation办理业务的委任书
~of commercial agent商务代办权
~of compulsory purchase of land强制购买土地权,土地征购权
~of conciliation调解权
~of consumption(社会的)消费能力
~of contracting a treaty缔约权
~of delaying bills for a short period of time短期延迟法案通过权
~of detention拘留权;扣押权
~of disallowance驳回权,驳复权
~of disciplinary control纪律监督权
~of dispersion分散能力
~of disposition处分权,处置权
~of eminent domain国家强制征用私人财产的权力
~of government统治权
~of interpretation解释权
~of judgment判断力
~of law making立法权
~of leadership领导权
~of legislature to validate marriage立法机关(议会)宣告婚姻有效的权力
~of life and death生死予夺之权
~of mortgage抵押权力
~of police order警察命令权
~of preventive arrest防范性拘捕权
~of procuration委任权
~of production生产能力
~of prosecution委任状,代理权
~of pt and gallows〔苏〕(贵族)淹死或绞杀(罪犯)的权力
~of punishment惩罚权
~of random search任意搜查权
~of recognition承认权
~of redemption赎回权
~of representation代表权,代理权
~of reservation保留权
~of revision修改权
~of revocation(对法律关系的)撤销权
~of sale买卖授权书,(财产)销售权,出售权利
~of sale clause(按揭或信托契据中的)拍卖财产条款(指如果不能支付,不需法院命令受托人或受按揭人即可拍卖财产以抵消债务)
~of sale foreclosure(抵押财产不经司法程序则)取消赎回权予拍卖的权利(也称为nonjudicial foreclosure, statutory foreclosure)
~of self government自治权
~of self management自行管理权,自主权
~of signature签署权
~of statistics统计功效
~of substitution代理委托权
~of termination终止权(指授予fee simple后可终止授予的权利,也称为right to entry, right of reentry, right of entry for breach of condition, right of entry for condition broken)
~of test检验能力
~of the American Supreme Court to declare a law unconstitutional美国最高法院宣布某项法律违宪的权力
~of the head of the house家长权
~of the keys教皇享有的最高权力,(基督教)司钥权,钥匙使用权(指妻子在家事方面有代表其丈夫的权力)
~of the sword of justice司法权,裁判权
~of validation 确认权
~of veto否决权
~over oneself自己的行为能力
~over other persons授权他人
O.~coupled with an interest附有利益的权力(授权实施某种行为,与此同时给予权力实施者一定利益,也称为~given as security, proprietary~,cf. naked~)
~given as security附有利益保证的权力(cf.~coupled with an interest)
~to adjudicate审判权
~to arrest without a warrant无逮捕证的有权逮捕,无证逮捕权
~to charge tolls掌管通行税的权力
~to execute instruments签署书证的权力
~to forbid阻止性权力,禁止权
~to interpret the constitution解释宪法权,宪法解释权
~to interrupt the legislative progression中断立法程序权
~to intervene干预权
~to make by laws制定实施细则的权力
~to make claims at international level国际索偿权
~to make
conclude treaties缔约权
~to proclaim war宣战权
~to promulgate law颁布法律权
~to prosecute追诉权,起诉权
~to sign(代表)签字权
~to supervise through auditing审计监督权
~to tax征税权,课税权力




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