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词汇 bring
v. 产生,引起,导致,提出(论据等),提起(诉讼)
P. to~down the price 降低价格
~forth an amendment 提出修正案
~forward 承前(页)
~in a finding of non liquet(法院)作出拒绝受理的裁决
~in a finding for (against) sb 作出对某人有利(不利)的裁决
~in an accusation against sb 对某人提起诉讼
~in a verdict (陪审团)作出裁决
~in business 拉生意,招揽生意
~into effect of sth 使某事生效
~into force 实施(法律等),使生效
~into hotchpot将财产混同起来
~into operation 投入使用
~into production 投产
~into service投入使用
~on stream 投入生产
~to a conclusion 作出结论,决定成交
~to book拘捕和审理(罪犯)
~to market 销(出)售
~to the hammer 予以拍卖
~under subjection 使屈从于,使隶属于
~up for trial 使经过审讯
~up sb before the court 传某人出庭V. to~a case before the court 将案件交法院审理
~a case to book 破案
~a case to court 起诉,告状
~a charge against sb 控告某人,指控某人
~a dispute before a court 把争议提交法院
~a pressure to bear on (upon) sb 对某人施加压力
~a suit against sb 控告某人
~an action against sb 对某人起诉
~an indictment 提起公诉
~sb before the court 提审某人
~sb in guilty 宣判某人有罪
~sb to book 要求某人解释自己的行为,谴责某人
~sb to justice 将某人捉拿归案,将某人绳之以法
~sb to trial 审问(讯)某人
~sb to light 揭发某人
~suit 起诉
O.~ing money into court 向法庭交保金
~ing of successive actions 连续起诉
the fugitive was brought to book and convicted疑犯被捕受审且被定罪




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