词汇 | rational |
例句 | a.合理的,理性的,有理的 Q.~act合理的行为 ~basis(立法或政府机构行为之)理性基础 ~basis test理性基础标准原则(宪法中指一法律或行政决定如与立法旨意的取得具有某种理性关系,依据平等保护条款,法院应以此认定其合法之原则,也称为~purpose test,~relationship test, minimal scrutiny, minimum scrutiny) ~doubt合理怀疑 ~principle合理原则 ~purpose test理性目的标准原则(cf.~basis test) ~readjustment合理调整 ~survey design合理调查设计 ~system合理的制度 ~transport合理运输 ~working hours合理工作时间 O.age distinctions are not subject to strict scrutiny, but they must have a~relationship to a legitimate state interest年龄区分不受严格审查,但它们必须得与合法的国家利益有理性关系才行 if the classification neither affects a fundamental right, nor creates a suspect classification, nor is based on gender, then the~basis test is applied 如果该分类既不影响基本权利,也不导致有悖于平等保护原则的分类,也不是基于性别的分类,此即可以适用理性基础原则(即认定其合法) |
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