词汇 | crime |
例句 | 1.n.犯罪,罪行(恶)(也称为 criminal wrong)2.v. 〔英〕指控违反军纪,宣告违反军纪罪 See: administrative~; capital~; common-law~; computer~; consensual~; corporate~; federal~; hate~; high~; index~; infamous~; instantaneous~; noninfamous~; organized~; political~; quasi ~; signature~; status~; statutory~; street~; strict-liability~; vice~; victimless~; violent~; white collar~ Q.~act 防止犯罪法 ~comic 刑事案件连环画(包括真实和杜撰的故事) ~control acts控制犯罪法(指美国颁布的多部遏止犯罪的法规) ~control and due process model 犯罪控制和正当程序模式 ~-fraud exception犯罪—欺诈例外规定(指律师与委托人等的交谈等如旨在犯罪或欺诈则不适用律师—委托人特权规定之原则) ~insurance犯罪损失险(指他人犯罪给投保人导致的损失) ~motive 犯罪动机 ~s ordinance 刑事罪条例 ~prevention 犯罪预防 ~problem 犯罪问题 ~rate 犯罪率 ~reporter 罪案报道人 ~scene 犯罪现场 ~scene investigation 犯罪现场勘查 ~scene procedure 犯罪现场勘查(程序) ~sheet 处罚记载 ~statistics 犯罪统计 ~stopper制止犯罪者(指向警方秘密举报罪犯且因此而获得奖赏者) ~syndicate 犯罪辛迪加,犯罪集团(美国对进行集团犯罪的诈骗组织的俗称) ~termination 犯罪终止 ~victim 犯罪受害人 ~wave 犯罪浪潮(指犯罪行为急剧上升) P.~against flag 侮辱国旗罪 ~against humanity〔国〕危害人类罪,违反人道罪 ~against international morality 违反国际道德罪 ~against international law国际犯罪(指国际条约等规定的如海盗、劫机等犯罪),各国公认的犯罪(如强奸、谋杀等)(也称为~against the law of nations) ~against international public order 破坏国际公共秩序罪 ~against law of nations 各国普遍认定的犯罪(指所有国家均规定之罪行,如谋杀、强奸等),国际犯罪(也称为~against international law) ~against marriage and family 妨害婚姻家庭罪 ~against military duty 违犯军职罪 ~against nature鸡奸罪,兽奸罪,违反自然的性交行为 Com. bestiality ~against peace〔国〕破坏和平罪(指企图、计划、实施、发动战争而违反国际和平条约的犯罪) ~s against persons暴力侵犯人身罪(指罪犯使用或企图使用暴力,包括 murder, rape, aggravated assault, robbery等,也称为~s against the person, cf. offense against the person) ~against property 侵犯财产罪(也称为 property~)Com. offense against property ~against prisoners of war 虐待、杀害战俘罪 ~against public security 危害公共安全罪 ~against social administration 妨害社会管理秩序罪 ~against socialist economic order破坏社会主义经济罪 ~against the person暴力侵犯人身罪(cf.~s against persons) ~against the right of person and the democratic rights of citizens 侵犯公民人身权,民主权利罪 ~against the sick and wounded 虐待战争伤病员罪 ~against the state, the government and the community, the administration of justice and public order 反对国家、政府和社会、反对司法执法和公共秩序的犯罪 ~in respect of property 财产方面的犯罪 ~of abandonment 遗弃罪 ~of abortion 堕胎罪 ~of abuse of authority 滥用职权罪,渎职罪 ~of adultery 通奸罪 ~of affray 聚众斗殴罪,互殴罪 ~of aggression 侵略罪 ~of aggressive war(发动)侵略战争罪 ~of blackmail in general 一般敲诈罪 ~of buying and selling children 买卖儿童罪 ~of children 少年犯罪 ~of conspiracy 阴谋罪,密谋罪 ~of corruption 贪污罪,腐化罪 ~of corruption and nonfeasance 贪污渎职罪 ~of counterfeiting registered trademark 假冒注册商标罪 ~of counterrevolution反革命罪 ~of counterrevolutionary homicide 反革命杀人罪 ~of counterrevolutionary propaganda and inflammatory delusion 反革命宣传煽动罪 ~of counterrevolutionary rumor-mongering 反革命造谣罪 ~of counterrevolutionary sabotage 反革命破坏罪 ~of counterrevolutionary subversion 反革命颠覆罪 ~of defamation 诽谤罪 ~of defrauding a citizen's property 诈骗公民财产罪 ~of destroying evidence 销毁证据罪 ~of disturbing the administrative order of society 妨害社会管理秩序罪 ~of disturbing the economic order 妨害经济秩序罪 ~of disturbing the economic order 妨害经济秩序罪 ~of embezzlement of state property 侵吞国家财产罪 ~of endangering public security 危害公共安全罪 ~of endangering peace 危害(或妨害)治安罪 ~of endangering public affairs 妨害公务罪 ~of escape 脱逃罪 ~of escaping from custody 越狱(逃脱)罪 ~of espionage and sedition〔美〕危害国家安全罪 ~of false charge 诬告罪 ~of false pretenses 冒充罪、欺诈罪 ~of falsifying weights of measures 伪造度量衡罪 ~of forcible entry 闯入罪(指闯入他人的房屋或土地) ~of forgery 伪造罪 ~of forgery of documents and seals 伪造文书印章罪 ~of forgery of trade marks and trade names 伪造商标商号罪 ~of forging an official document or seal 伪造文书印章罪 ~of fornication with an underage girl 奸淫少女罪 ~of fraud 诈欺罪,诈骗罪 ~of fraudulent use of public seals 盗用公章罪 ~of gambling 赌博罪 ~of genocide 灭绝种族罪 ~of habitual theft 惯窃罪 ~of hooliganism 流氓罪 ~of impairing water conservancy 破坏水利罪 ~of inciting armed rebellion 煽动武装叛乱罪 ~of (misdemeanor) indecent act 猥亵罪 ~of inflicting serious bodily injury 致人重伤罪 ~of instigation 煽惑罪,教唆罪 ~of insurrection 内乱罪,叛乱罪 ~of interference with marriage and the family 妨害婚姻、家庭罪 ~of interfering with election 妨害选举罪 ~of interfering with public affairs 妨害公务罪 ~of kidnapping for ransom 绑架勒索罪 ~of misconduct in office 渎职罪 ~of negligent homicide 过失杀人罪 ~of omission 不作为罪(指因不执行职责等构成的犯罪) ~of passion 激情犯罪(cf. heat of passion) ~of perjury 伪证罪 ~of pillage 掠夺罪,抢劫罪 ~of piracy 海盗罪 ~of rescue 劫狱罪,非法劫走人犯罪,非法劫夺罪 ~of robbery 强盗罪 ~of sabotaging communications 破坏公共交通罪 ~of setting on fire 放火罪,纵火罪 ~of theft 盗窃罪 ~of treason 叛逆罪,卖国罪 ~of undermining the national currency 破坏国家货币及有价证券罪 ~of undermining the state financial system 破坏国家财务制度罪 ~of undermining valuable cultural relics 破坏珍贵文物罪 ~of undermining the national currency and valuable securities 破坏国家货币及有价证券罪 ~of unlawful assembly 非法集会罪 ~of violating government laws and decrees 违反政府法令罪 ~of violating the citizens' right of the person 侵犯公民人身权利罪 ~of violence 暴力犯罪(也称为 violent~) ~without victims无直接受害人的犯罪(也称为victimless~, consensual~) O.~mala in se 本身行为不道德之犯罪(如盗窃、纵火、强奸、谋杀、扰乱治安等) ~mala prohibita制定法所禁止的犯罪(尽管本身无道德因素相关,但法规予以禁止之行为,如侵犯他人权利等) ~passionel因情欲嫉妒而导致的犯罪,色情谋杀罪 ~relating to environmental Pollution 环境污染罪 ~ ridden 充满(犯)罪行(为)的,罪大恶极的 grave~严重罪行 serious~严重犯罪 willful~蓄意犯罪 Com.: 在美国,犯罪有很多分类,如:①本身不道德或有过错之犯罪(crime mala in se)与本身并无道德过错因素,只是因制定法规定禁止之犯罪(crime mala prohibita); ②处监禁且剥夺权利之犯罪(infamous~)和不处监禁刑之犯罪(crimes which are not infamous);③涉及道德败坏之犯罪和不涉及道德因素之犯罪(crime involving moral turpitude or not involving moral turpitude);④恶性犯罪(major crime)和轻微犯罪(petty crime);⑤普通法上的犯罪(common law crimes)和制定法上的犯罪(statutory crimes)。在英格兰和威尔士,犯罪可按性质分为7类:①侵犯人身罪(crime against the person),其包括:谋杀(murder)、谋杀以外的杀人(manslaughter)、暴力胁迫人身(assault)、殴打(battery)、伤害(wounding)、严重伤害身体(grievous bodily harm)、诱拐(abduction)等罪;②侵犯财产罪(crime against property),其包括:盗窃(theft)、抢劫(robbery)、夜间入室盗窃(burglary)、诈骗(obtaining property or service or pecuniary advantage by deception)、敲诈勒索(blackmail)、销赃(handling stolen goods)、准备偷盗(going equipped to steal)、刑事损害(criminal damage)、侵占且图谋损害或破坏财产(possessing something with intent to damage or destroy property)、伪(变)造(forgery)等罪;③性犯罪(sexual offences),其包括:强奸(rape)、鸡奸(buggery)、重婚(bigamy)、猥亵(indecency)等罪;④政治罪(political) offence其包括:叛国罪(treason)、制造恐怖罪(terrorism)、煽动叛乱(sedition)、泄露官方机密(breach of the official secrets)等罪;⑤妨碍司法罪(offence against justice),其包括:协助罪犯(assisting an offender)、共谋(conspiracy)、伪证罪(perjury)、藐视法庭(contempt of court)、破坏审判(perverting the course of justice)等罪;⑥破坏公共秩序罪(public order offence),其包括:妨碍警察公务(obstruction of the police)、非法集会(unlawful assembly)、淫秽(obscenity)、私藏武器(possessing weapons)、滥用毒品(misuse of drugs)、破坏治安(breach of the peace)等罪;⑦公路交通犯罪(road traffic offence),其包括:粗心或鲁莽驾车(careless or reckless driving)、酒后驾车(drunken driving)、无照或无保险驾车(driving without a license or insurance) |
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