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词汇 title
n.物权(包括ownership, possession, custody,构成对财产占有和处置的法律权利),产权(关系),物(产)权证明(证书、凭证)(如契据等),(法规或法律文件的)名称,标题,(法律或法典的)章节,权利,资格,职称,头衔See: absolute~; abstract of~; action to quiet~; adverse~; after-acquired~; bad~; chain of~; clear~; cloud on~; color of~; covenant for~; defeasible~; defective~; derivative~; document of~; dormant~; doubtful~; equitable~; good~; indicia of~; imperfect~; Indian~; just~; legal~; long~; lucrative~; marketable~; muniment of~; non-merchantable~; onerous~; original~; paramount~; particular~; perfect~; presumptive~; record~; root of~; short~; singular~;tax~; unity of~; universal~; unmarketable~; warranty of~
Q.~company产权担保公司(验证产权并签发产权担保书,也称为~-guaranty company, cf.~search)
~-deed for house房契
~-guaranty company产权担保公司(cf.~company)
~insurance 产权担保,产权保险(指不动产买卖时由~company 签发的产权担保协议,如因产权瑕疵导致损失,~company 应予以赔偿)
~member具名合伙人(也称为name partner, named partner)
~search period产权瑕疵调查期(规定应调查到过去40年为止)
~theory产权转移论(指《产权法》中认为按揭“mortgage”财产之普通法产权“legal title”应转移给抵押权人,直到贷款清偿为止,凡采用该理论的州则称为~state,~jurisdiction,~-theory jurisdiction)
~theory jurisdiction采用产权转移论的司法管辖区(cf.~state)
~unity产权统一规定(指规定所有共同财产所有人必须根据同一证书取得他们的权益,也称为 unity of~)
P.~by descent 因法定继承而获得的产权
~by devise因遗赠而得到的不动产权
~by limitation
prescription 因时效而取得的产权(指占有一定期限后取得的物权)
~by occupancy 因占有而取得的物权
~in personal property动产所有权
~of a case案件名称
~of a patent专利名称(指说明发明标的物的简短名称,每份专利说明书都必须冠以名称)
~of entry进入土地权
~of honor荣誉称号
~of ownership所有权凭证,所有权状
~of penalty 刑名
~of position职位
~of proceeding案件名称(由当事人姓名等组成)
~of record经登记注册的产权(也称为record~, paper~)
~of record to land经登记注册的土地产权书(契据)
~of right权利裁定令(指法院就诸如离婚、分居、破产、破产中债务解除、认证遗产管理人证书等签发的命令)
~of state 国家称号
~of the absolute owner绝对所有权人的产权
~to debt债权证书
~to land土地所有权
~to individual floors in a multi-story building多层建筑大楼各楼层所有权
~to property财产所有权
~to real estate不动产产权
~to the goods货物所有权
~to the provision优先受偿权
O.~and escrow arrangement产权和第三者保存契据(指由第三者保存,待所定条件具备后再交付受让人的契据或证书等)
~and rank职衔和职位级别
~clear of defects and encumbrance 产权无瑕疵和无负担
~defective in form形式要件有瑕疵的产权(指契据有瑕疵)
~VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 〔美〕载于USCA第7章的《民权法》(1964)(禁止因种族、性别、怀孕、宗教、国籍等进行雇佣歧视或骚扰的联邦法律)
~IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 〔美〕载于USCA第9章的《教育修正令》(1972)(禁止因性别在教育上进行歧视的联邦法律)
after the election, he bore the~of mayor for the next 4 years选举之后,他在接下的4年内将拥有市长头衔
no one has~to that land无人对该土地拥有产权
paper~业经登记注册的产权(cf.~of record)
the~of the contract was Confidentiality Agreement合同名称是“保密协议”




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