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词汇 principle
P.~of a prescribed punishment for a specified crime罪刑法定主义,罪刑法定原则
~of advancing socialist culture and ideology有利于社会主义精神文明建设原则
~of allocation of cost成本分配原则
~of assumed jurisdiction裁量管辖原则(指在特定情况下,即使被告不在管辖国内,管辖国仍得依裁判权对其行使裁判管辖)
~of autonomy of will(合同当事人)意思自治原则
~of capacity to pay支付能力原则
~of centralization中央集权原则
~of checks and balances(权利的)制约和平衡原则
~of collective leadership集体领导原则
~of comity(国际)礼让原则
~of comparative costs比较成本原理
~of concentration of preliminary hearing预审集中原则
~of conservation稳健处理会计原则
~of consistency会计处理方法中的一贯性原则
~of contemporaneas exposito以文件拟就时的意义为解释的原则
~of correct application of the law正确适用法律原则
~of cross examination(诉讼中间向对方证人)诘问原则
~of debt and credit借贷原理
~of delegation授权原则
~of democratic centralism民主集中制原则
~of diminishing return to scale利润率递减法则
~of direct trial直接审理原则
~of dispatch(诉讼法)迅速(结案)原则
~of dual instance复审原则
~of “double criminality”“双重归罪”原则
~of effective demand有效需求原则
~of effective nationality有效国籍原则
~of equal value exchange等价交换原则
~of equality平等原则
~of equality and mutual benefit平等互利原则
~of equilibrium平衡
~of equitable burden sharing公平分担原则
~of exception例外原则
~of fairness公正原则
~of favor testimony〔国〕有效原则
~of finality最终裁决原则(指法院应在行政诉讼作出终局裁决之后方予以介入审查之原则,也称为final-order doctrine, finality doctrine, doctrine of finality, cf. final-judgement rule)
~of free enterprise自由企业的原则
~of free evaluation of evidence自由心证原则
~of free movement of goods商品自由流通的原则
~of freedom自由原则
~of full disclosure充分披露原则
~of functional immunity 职能豁免原则
~of good faith诚信原则,善意原则
~of hearing the parties 听讯原则
~of humanitarianism人道主义原则
~of immediacy(诉讼法)直接(审理)原则
~of individual liberty个人自由原则
~of international law国际法原则
~of Islamic jurisprudence伊斯兰教法学原则
~of joint and several responsibility连带责任原则
~of judical investigation司法调查原则
~of just law法律的公正原则
~of laches(权利人)及时主张权利的原则
~of laissez-faire放任主义原则,(政府)不干涉原则
~of law法理,法律原则
~of legality法制原则,法定主义(指不得依据未曾颁布的刑法对人起诉之原则,也称为legality)
~of legitimacy正统原则
~of market economy市场经济原则
~of marshalling〔美〕分配原则(指美国破产法中的一种原则。按美国1978年破产法第508节规定,债权人如果在外国接受了部分偿付时,则丧失因相同请求在美国破产程序中接受分配的权利,除非债权人在美国破产程序中接受了与他所接受的偿付同等的分配)
~of matching cost with revenue收益与成本的配合原则
~of monetary nominalism唯货币名称论原则
~of motion economy提倡节约的原则
~of mutual loyalty between the contracting parties合同当事人相互忠诚信约原则
~of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity相互尊重主权和领土完整原则
~of national self-determination民族自决原则
~of non-extradition不引渡原则
~of non-increasing of information信息不增原理
~of non-intervention〔国〕不干涉原则(指一个国家不干涉别国主权范围内的事项的国际公法上的基本原则)
~of non-reciprocity非互惠原则
~of occupier's liability占有人责任原则
~of operational independence of the enterprise企业独立经营原则
~of optimality最优化原则
~of oral and wrtten argument(诉讼法)口头辩论和书面辩论原则
~of orality(诉讼法)言词审理原则,口头审理原则
~pacta sunt servanda合约守信原则
~of parliamentary immunity议员豁免原则权
~of party autonomy当事人意志自由原则
~of party control over allegation and proof当事人掌握陈述和证明原则
~of party initiative当事人起诉原则
~of perpetual allegiance永远尽忠原则(指国际法中有些国家采取的国籍原则,即不承认取得他国国籍,便失去原有国籍)
~of personal jurisdiction属人管辖原则
~of personality 属人原则
~of presumption of innocence无罪推定原则
~of profit maximization利润极大化原理
~of proletarian internationalism无产阶级国际主义原则
~of public administration公共行政原则
~of public hearing公开听审
~of public opening公开审判原则
~of punishing the few and reforming the many〔中〕惩办少数,改造多数的原则
~of reliance信赖原则
~of remoteness of damage损失间接性原则
~of remoteness of injury伤害间接性原则
~of representation代位继承原则
~of restitution赔偿原则,恢复原状原则
~of restrictive immunity 限制豁免原则
~of retribution以牙还牙的报复原则(也称为lex talionis, eye for an eye, jus talionis)
~of retroactivity追溯效力原则,溯及既往原则
~of scientific management科学管理的原则
~of securing the individual against harm保障个人不使遭受损害的原则
~of selecting the best qualified择优原则
~of separating investigation and judg(e)ment侦查与审判分开原则
~of separation of function, coordination and mutual check of judicial organs〔中〕(审判机关的)分工负责,互相配合,相互制约原则(刑事诉讼上的一项职权原则)
~of specification根据指定原则
~of standstill维持现状原则
~of superposition显加原理
~of surplus section盈余分配原则
~of surrogation(保险过程中)承保人的代位原则(指承保人付出赔偿给被保险人之后,继承受保险人的权利)
~of taking facts as the basis and the law as criterion〔中〕(诉讼法)以事实为根据,以法律为准绳(原则)
~of territoriality of criminal law刑法的属地原则
~of taxation税收原则
~of territory属地原则,属地主义
~of the autonomy of will意志自由原则
~of the decision判决的原则
~of the personality of the law法律的属人原则
~of the relativity of rights权利相对论原则
~of the separation of powers分权原则
~of the territoriality of law法律的属地原则
~of the utmost good faith and disclose honestly all facts relevant to the risk(保险法上保险人必须遵守的)最高诚信和真实披露一切有关危险的原则
~of two instance两审制原则
~of uninterrupted trial(法庭)审理不间断原则
~of universality普遍性原则,世界性原则
~of using native language〔中〕(使用)民族语言原则
~of utility maximization效益极大化原理
~of voluntariness in the conclusion of contracts订合同(契约)的自愿原则
O. anti-delegation~反授权原则




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