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词汇 payment
n.支付,付款,支付的款项,报偿,惩罚See: advance~; balloon~; conditional~; constructive~; directive~; down~; involuntary~; lump-sum~
~agreement 支付协议,支付协定
~agreement balance支付协定余额
~for ward预付货款, 代收货款
~intangible 支付无形财产(指债务人用金钱偿付的债务)
~net cash against shipping documents on arrival of goods货到凭运单付现款
~probability distribution报酬—几率分配
P.~after due date到期后偿付
~against arrival of documents单到付款
~against arrival货到付款
~against document 凭单付款
~against documents credit凭单(据)付款信用证
~against documents through collection托收项下的凭单据付款,凭单据托收付款
~against documents凭单付款
~against draft credit凭汇票付款的信用证
~against presentation of shipping document凭运单付款
~at maturity到期付款
~at regular fixed times定期缴款
~at sight见票即付,即期付款
~by acceptance(票据的)承兑付款
~by bill凭汇票付款
~by check凭支票付款
~by draft凭汇票付款
~by installment分期付款
~by intervention第三人参加付款, 参加付款,通过调停付款
~by mistake of fact误付
~by mistake误付款
~by post邮寄支付
~by remittance汇拨支付
~by result按成果付酬,超产奖(按时计件超额有奖)
~by results scheme按成果付酬划
~by rough estimate毛算支付额
~by transfer拨付
~for cash付现,付现金
~for honor参加付款,代兑退票
~for honor supra protest参加承兑付款
~in advance预付,预付货款
~in arrears拖欠款项
~in balance收支不平衡
~in cash付现,付现金
~in due course(票据)按期支付,及时付款,期满兑付
~in full全部付款,全部照付, 一次付清
~in installments分期支付,分期付款
~in international trade国际贸易支付
~in kind实物支付,实物工资,实物报酬
~in lieu以付款代替
~in lump sum一次付清,整笔支付
~in part部分付款
~into court(被告)向法院交存的保证金
~of a note票据清偿
~of additional premium加付保险费
~of balance付给尾数,支付余数
~of claims理赔
~of compensation 支付赔偿金,特别赔款,恩恤赔款
~of damages支付损害赔偿
~of debt prior to maturity提前偿还债务
~of debt偿债,还债,债务的支付
~of deposit支付押金,支付定金
~of duty纳税,缴税
~of inherited and testamentary obligations继承上的债务和遗嘱上指明的债务的清偿
~of interest利息支付
~of money into court向法院付款(指在索取赔偿或债务的诉讼中被告人把应付还款项交给法院或银行作为清偿用,以减少继续进行诉讼的费用)
~of note支付票据的款项
~of overseas accounts国(海)外账款的支付,国际账户付款
~of payroll工资(薪)的支付
~of principle偿还本金
~of prior year obligation拨付以前年度的拨款授权款
~of private PO boxes rent缴纳私人邮政信箱租金
~of rent支付租金
~of royalty版权费,专利权税
~of shares股款的交付,交付股款
~of the price支付价款
~of Wages Act〔英〕《工资支付法》(1960)
~on a fixed day after sight见票后定期付款
~on a receipt凭收据付款
~on account赊账付款,暂付
~on account telegram card记账电报业务凭证
~on account telephone card记账电话业务凭证
~on arrival货到付款
~on credit记账付费
~on deferred terms迟期付款
~on delivery交货后付款
~on demand索取时付款,即期付款
~on long term debt长期债务还本付息
~on open account赊账,记账交易
~on receipt credit凭收据付款信用证
~on terms定期付款,定期支付
~on transfers to a business 转投入某企业
~out of a particular fund在某项特定资金内付款
~out of court从法院提取的款项
~supra protest(or payment supra protest)参加承兑(汇票付款人拒绝承兑后,第三者为维持出票人信誉而作)
~upon arrival of shipping documents单到付款,运单到后付款
~with letter of credit用信用证付款




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