active layer
active list
active marke
active military servic
active military service
active misprision
active misrepresentation
active misrepresentation
active money
active negligence
active negligence
active participant
active participant
active partner
active partner
active population
active protection
active rate
active reserve
active right
active sabotage
active sabotage
active securities
active service
active service
active standard
active stock
active tortfeasor
active tortfeasor
active trade
active trade balance
active trust
active trust
active trustee
active trustee
active turnover
active user
active wage
active waste
active waste
activities jure imperii
activities of production
activities relating to civil law
activities terminable
activity accounting
activity analysis
activity charge
activity classification
activity cost
activity costing
activity grouping
activity in investment
activity in market
activity in production
activity level
activity line
activity list
activity of daily living
activity of establishments
activity rate
activity status
ACTL American College of Trial Lawyers
Act. Lawt. Ct.
Act. Ld. Aud. C.
Act. Ld. Co. C. C.
Act. Ld. Co. Pub. Aff.
act lease act
act mortis causa
ACTN Advisory Committee on Trade Negotiation
act notice
act of accepting bribe
act of accepting bribe
act of adjournal
act of adjournal
act of Assembly
act of attainder
act of attainder
act of authorization
act of authorization
act of bankruptcy
act of bankruptcy
act of clemency
act of commission
act of commission
act of concealment
act of concealment
Act of Congress
act of Congress
act of connivance
act of connivance
act of consideration
act of consideration
act of court
act of creation
act of defence
act of defense
act of disposition
act of disposition
act of embezzlement
act of embezzlement
act of execution
act of execution
act of force
act of force
act of foreign states
act of foreign states
act of God
act of God
act of government
act of government
act of grace
act of grace
act of indecency
act of indemnity
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