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词汇 asset
n. 资产(指任何不动产和动产及其有关的利息以及可用作偿债的遗产等),财富 See: accrued~; admitted~; appointive~; capital~; commercial~; current~; dead~; earning~; equitable~; frozen~; hidden~; illiquid~; individual~; intangible~: legal~; liquid~; mass~; net~; net quick~; new~; nominal~; nonadmitted~; personal~; probate~; quick~; real~; tangible~; wasting~
Q.~account 资产账户
~-backed security 以资产作后备的证券,资产担保的证券
~-backed financing资产担保的融资
~s betterment 资产增值,资产改建
~s cover资产担保, 资产抵偿
~depreciation range (ADR)(经国内税收署批准的)资产折旧幅度
~dividend实物红利(指以资产而非现金,如企业产品作为红利发放,也称为 property dividend)
~s entre mains 手中持有资产(可用作偿债等)
~income ratio资产收益比率
~intensity 资产密度
~inventory shorts (surplus) 资产盘亏(盘盈)
~liability ratio资产负债比率
~measurement 资产计量
~s per descent 所继承的连同债务的资产
~priority 资产优先权
~reserve 资产准备
~retirement 资产报废
~revaluation 资产重估
~s settlement 资产决算
~stock 资产股
~turnover 资产周转率
~s write-down 降低资产账面价值
P.~s by descent继承财产(也称为~per descent)
~s in hand 现有资产(也称为~entre main,~entre mains)
~in kind 实物资产
~of the economy 经济财富
~s of trust corpus 信托集合资产
~under management由投资顾问管理的资产
O.~s and liabilities 资产和负债
~s entre main现有资产(cf.~s in hand)
~s per descent继承财产(cf.~s by descent)




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