1. n.私掠船(指在特定情况经政府授权以海盗方式破坏敌人商船的私人船只),私掠船长(或船员)2.v.武装商船以掠夺敌人商船
the couple had several childrenbenefit of the clergy
the court
the courtarrearages to a final judgement
the courtbail for the accused serial killer
the court began to concern itself withmerits as well as the law
the courtcompetent to hear the case
the court denied the complaint for divorce because the partiesreconcile d
the court disposed of theseriatim
the court found the conveyance of property to becolorable transfer
the court granted a tworecess for lunch
the court held thatcontravenes public policy
the court is given discretion to order a pretrial conference either on itsmotion or at the request of a party
the court may reduce a sentence on itsinitiative
the court mayusurp the powers of the legislature
the court might chooserealign the plaintiffs and defendants so that
the courtnote d the objection in the record
the court ofresort
the court refusedpass on the constitutional issue
the courtsanction the trust disposition if it is not against public policy
the court saw the young fellowmalleable
the court there clearly limited anyabsorption
the creek serves asboundary between the two properties
the crimecarry a maximum sentence of 5 years5
the criminalnote d
the curtesy
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更新时间:2025/3/10 18:16:02