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词汇 regulation
n.(行政)规则(章),地方性法规,条例(也称为agency~, subordinate legislation, delegated legislation)Com. ordinance,管理(制),(用规则等)调控,限制,控制,调整(节)
~D〔美〕证券发行规则D(指SEC制定的对某些证券发行免于根据1933年的Securities Act予以登记的规定)
~J〔美〕规则J(指Federal Reserve Board有关通过成员银行进行支票托收和资金转移的规定)
~law of labor relation劳动关系调整法
~making power制订规章权
~Q〔美〕规定Q(Federal Reserve Board有关利率上限及有关储备利息广告的规定)
~T〔美〕规则T(Federal Reserve Board制定的有关证券经纪人或交易商对客户的信贷额度,以及证券交易保证金要件和支付规则的规定)
~U〔美〕规则U(Federal Reserve Board制定的有关银行向证券买卖客户信贷额度的规定)
~X〔美〕实施规定X(指the Department of Housing and Urban Development所制定的有关对Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act的实施规定)
~Z〔美〕实施规定Z(指Federal Reserve Board制定的有关对Consumer Credit Protection Act的实施规定)
P.~by national law按照国家法令管理
~s for Mooring Vessels泊船章程
~s for operation操作规程
~s for Preventing Collisions at Sea(国际)《海上避碰规则》(1662)
~s for safety安全章程
~s for Suppression of Corruption《惩治贪污条例》
~s for Suppression of Counter revolution《惩治反革命条例》
~s for technical operations技术操作规程
~s for the carriage of goods by sea 海运规章
~s for the enforcement of the law of accounting会计法施行规则
~s for the Enforcement of the Law of Auditing审计法施行细则
~s for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法实施条例
~in force现行规则
~of affairs事务管理
~of capital节制资本
~of conduct 行为规范
~of currency货币管理,通货管理,通货调节
~s of foreign investment外国投资条例
~s of labor unions工会规章
~~s of Navigation 航行规章
~of registration登记(注册)规则
~of stock股票价格规定,股票管理
~s of the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles机动车辆管理条例
~s of the People's Republic of China on Administration penalties for Public Security《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚条例》
~s of the People's Republic of China on Labor Management in Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业劳动管理规定》
~s of the People's Republic of China on Special Economic Zones in Guangdong Province《中华人民共和国广东省经济特区条例》
~s of the People's Republic of China on the Registration of Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业登记管理办法》
~of traffic交通管制
~s on academic degrees学位条例
~s on Computer Software Protection计算机软件保护条例
~s on financing资金供应条例
~s on maintenance of social order 社会治安条例
~s on special Economic Zones in Guangdong Province《广东省经济特区条例》
~s on the exercise of autonomy 自治条例
O.~s concerning civil appointment 文官任用条例
~s governing the organization组织条例
~s governing the public debt公债条例
the federal~of the airline industry联邦对航空工业的控制
treasury~s explain and interpret the Internal Revenue Code财政条例对国内税收法典作了解释和阐释




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